Ï The Head of the State and head of Rönesans Holding discuss perspective projects

The Head of the State and head of Rönesans Holding discuss perspective projects

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The Head of the State and head of Rönesans Holding discuss perspective projects
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Board Chairman of Turkish company Rönesans Holding Erman Ylycak.

Having expressed thee gratitude for spared time, the businessman congratulated the Leader of the Nation on Turkmenistan Independence Day, having wished him strong health, prosperity, energy and new outstanding successes in his versatile activity.

The Head of Rönesans Holding expressed the intent of his company to improve cooperation with our country. The businessman highlighted the importance the first Caspian Economic Forum, which gathered representatives of many states who are interested in expansion of productive relations with our country, for business circles.

Exhibition of innovative technologies organized under the forum became a platform for demonstration of success of Turkmenistan, opening of huge investment potential of national economy and opportunity to present their perspective projects for foreign companies, the guest said.

Having expressed gratitude for good words, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan pursues the policy of progressive reforms and make bet of application of innovative technologies and attraction of the best foreign practice. Turkmen leader highlighted that number of leading Turkish companies, which actively participate in implementation of big projects, are reliable partners of our country.

During the meeting, the head of Rönesans Holding informed about the works of his company at the facilities entrusted to his company as well as made new proposals in this direction.

Opening perspectives related to programmes of development of strategic important branches of national economy were the subject of the dialog.

In the end of the meeting, Board Chairman of Turkish company Erman Ylucak assured that all efforts would be put from his side for fulfilment of contractual obligations.