Ï Filippo Grandi: decision on giving citizenship of Turkmenistan to 863 people deserves international recognition

Filippo Grandi: decision on giving citizenship of Turkmenistan to 863 people deserves international recognition

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I would like to express my gratitude for the leading role that Turkmenistan continues playing in solution of problem of non-citizenship in Central Asia and on global level, the message of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says.

Naturalization of approximately 8,800 stateless people after 2011as well as your approval of National Action Plan for elimination of non-citizenship by 2024 indicates your deep commitment to solution of this problem.

I was pleased to find out about your recent decision to give citizenship of Turkmenistan to 864 vulnerable people according to the Presidential Order from September 20, 2019. This measure is an important milestone ad deserve international recognition.

Taking into account what was said above, I would like to inform you about coming High-Level Segment on non-citizneship at the 70th plenary session of the UNHRC Executive Committee planned on October 7, 2019, which marks the midpoint of our global campaign on elimination of non-citizenship during the decade, in addition, we organize the first Global Refugee Forum on December 17 – 18, 2019.

Both event will be held in the Palace of Nations in Geneva (Switzerland) and will be a good opportunity for Turkmenistan to demonstrate its modern achievements, to announce the measures that your country is planning to take for full implementation of its national plan according to the commitment to 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Some of the achievement, that are worth to be mentioned, may include your permanent efforts on provision of total registration of births or establishment of procedures of identification of non-citizenship. It will highlighted leading role of Turkmenistan in this sphere and will serve as inspiring example for others.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude for your continuing cooperation and to say my warmest congratulations on occasion of national holiday – the Independence Day, to you and Turkmen nation, - the letter of Filippo Grande says.