Ï Flowers laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence is held

Flowers laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence is held

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Flowers laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence is held
Turkmenistan celebrates the Independence Day. Early in the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the flower laying ceremony to the Monument of Independence.

Thousands of Ashgabat resident and guests of the capital have gathered at the square in front of magnificent monument. The participants greet President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The Head of the State walked along the alley lined with the soldiers of the Guard of Honour. National anthem of Turkmenistan is played. The President puts flowers to the podium of the Monument of Independence.

After the Head of the State, members of the Government, heads of the Mejlis, military and law enforcement agencies, hyakims of the velayats and the capital put wreaths and bouquets of flowers. Turkmen diplomats and representative of diplomatic corps accredited in our country, political parties and public organizations, ministries and departments, honoured elders, students, numerous residents of the capital as well as foreign guests who came to Ashgabat for celebration have joined them.