Ï The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races

The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races

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The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races
The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races
The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races
The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races
The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races
The Prize of the President of Turkmenistan is contested at the celebration races
International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex hosted the races dedicated to the 28th anniversary of Turkmenistan Independence. As per tradition, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has visited celebration event.

Atmosphere of emotional rise was reigning at International Ahalteke Equestrian Complex for the morning. Members of the Cabinet of Ministers, leaders of the Mejlis, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and departments, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat, representatives of diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan, public organizations, mass media, numerous residents as well as foreign guests who took part in the events on occasion of the Independence Day have gathered in this place.

The participants have warmly greeted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov who also came to the races. The Head of the State went to the territory of bright decorated complex where who he was met by artist of artistic collectives from the capital and velayats.

The President has looked around thematic exhibition of national decorative and applied art. Colourful atmosphere of national celebration was organically highlighted by performance of bakhshys. The athletes have demonstrated their skills in exciting national wrestling fights.

Under long-lasting applauses of public, the Head of the State went to the building of the complex, having proceeded to the President’s lounge. Numerous lovers of equestrian races were on the visitors stands.

Ahalteke horses have demonstrated their speed in 7 races in different distances. 12 race horses participated in each race. Overcrowded visitors stands, lenses of video and photo cameras were watching captivating competitions.

Black Yildyzkhan from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan ridden by master jockey M. Kichigulov was the first in the first race on the distance of 1,800 meters with 2 minutes 03.0 seconds result. The winner received the prize of financial and economic complex of the country to the amount of 15,000 US dollars.

The distance of the second race was also 1,800 meters. Black Kuvatly from private horse farm of B. Chariyev ridden by D. Berdimammedov was the first in this race with result of 1 minute 56.9 seconds. The winner received the prize of 15,000 US dollars from oil and gas complex of the country.

The prize of 15,000 US dollars from the trade complex was contested in the third race (1,800 meters). Black Akmondjuk from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan won this race, having shown the result of 2 minutes 4.1 seconds (jockey A. Agamyradov).

Grey Syrdashym ridden by 2-class jockey took over in the fourth ride on the distance of 2,200 meters for the prize of industrial and communication complex (15,000 US dollars) with 2 minutes 27.3 seconds result.

The prize of construction, energy and municipal service complex (15,000 US dollars) in the fifth race on the distance of 2,400 meters was won by grey Goshsakar from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan (jockey N. Annamyradov) with result of 2 minutes 45.5 seconds.

The prize of agricultural complex (15,000 US dollars) on the distance of 2,400 meters went to chestnut Gudjurly (3-class jockey B. Baballiyev) with result of 2 minutes 38.7 seconds.

The main prize – 30,000 US dollars, announced by Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in honour of the 28th anniversary of independence of the country, was contested in the final race. Dorgunan from Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan (master jockey B. Agamyradov) finished first the distance of 2,400 meters fr 2 minutes 45.1 seconds.

Between the races, the visitors enjoyed tunes and songs performed by bakhshys and art masters. Award ceremony of the winners, who received valuable gifts, took place afterwards.

After finishing of celebration races in Ahalteke International Equestrian Complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said warm goodbye to everyone and left the place of event.