Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates senior generation of Turkmenistan on the International Day of Older Persons

President of Turkmenistan congratulates senior generation of Turkmenistan on the International Day of Older Persons

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“I congratulate you on the International Day of Older People, who play a significant role in the public life of Turkmenistan”, says President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in his congratulatory address to the older generation.

“The International Day of Older Persons, declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations, occupying a significant place in the national calendar, inspires our compatriots to new ideas, great achievements, growing up the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, the ideals of humanism, goodwill and nobility.

“Artistic events are organized throughout the country, in honor of the boundless respect for the honorary elders, dear mothers, who significantly contribute to strengthening our unity, educating young people in the national spirit”.

According to the President of Turkmenistan, the state policy of our country prioritizes the increase the level and quality of people’s life. “Carrying out the large-scale work on strengthening the foundations of independence, building up economic, cultural, scientific and educational potential, we take into account the interests of every citizen, especially the older generation”, the President emphasizes.

“Successfully implementing the tasks defined in the Programme of socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025 with the aim to diversify the sectors of the national economy, strengthening its role in expanding the world economic relations, creating a digital economy, we systematically improve the social and living conditions of the population, erect new cities, etraps, modern villages and towns, large industrial enterprises based on innovation and advanced technologies, we create a competitive economy that meets the modern technological requirements.

“We consider the respect for the elders and provision of the worthy quality of their life as one of the important humanitarian directions of our state policy. The election of Turkmenistan to the UN Commission on Population and Development for 2020-2024 vividly demonstrates the positive results of socio-economic reforms and consistent increase in the standards of living of the people of the country”, said the President of Turkmenistan in his Address.

In conclusion, the President of Turkmenistan wished the representatives of the older generation good health, longevity, a peaceful and prosperous life, happiness, great success in the work for the prosperity of the Motherland.