Ï Chinese nation celebrates the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China

Chinese nation celebrates the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China

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On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong announced the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, which marked new important milestone in the history of China and became a major step toward the creation of prosperous and powerful state. China is adherent to independent, own and peaceful foreign policy and make big influence of global political and economic structure, - the article of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the PRC to Turkmenistan Sun Weidong says.

The country has made modern industrial system and China has turned into the first industrial and trade power in the world. Volume of the economy has increased by 175 times for 70 years and exceeded 13.6 trillion US dollars in 2018, having made approximately 16 percent of the total volume of global economy.

Input of China to the growth of the world economy exceeds 30 percent for the last several years and China is the first in the world by this indicator. China is also on the first place by number of patent applications on new inventions. It has significant achievements in aviation and space activity, quantum technology, deep-water probing, satellite navigation and many other fields. Such modern information technologies as cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other are under rapid development.

Life level of Chinese people is growing. Chinese GDP per capita was almost 10,000 US dollars in 2018.China has a system of free compulsory 9-year education. Average lifespan in the country was increased from 40 to 77 years.

In foreign policy, China implements a strategy of transparency. Number of countries, which has established diplomatic relations with China, grew from 18 to 180. Chairman Xi Jinping proposed a strategy of the Road and Belt Initiative, which received positive feedback from more than 130 countries and 30 international organization as well as was reflected in several UN Resolutions.

Speaking of Turkmen – Chinese relations, the Head of diplomatic mission of the PRC noted that China and Turkmenistan signed Joint Communique and established diplomatic relations in January 1992. In September 2013, Xi Jinping, who assumed the duties of the Chairman of the PRC, has chosen Turkmenistan as the first country on his trip to Central Asian region. Declaration of establishment of relations of strategic partnership has been signed by the outcomes of the visit. Thus, Chairman Xi Jinping and President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave strong impulse to the expansion of bilateral partnership.

Mr Weidong highlighted that China and Turkmenistan support each other, demonstrated similarity of approaches to solution of important issues of global development and cooperate fruitfully under the UN and other competent international organization in political sphere. Chinese side gives high appraisal to constructive foreign strategy of Turkmenistan, which is based on the status of positive neutrality recognized by the United Nations, and supports initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Relations in trade and economic sphere are also developed in 1992, bilateral trade was 4.5 million US dollars while it has reached 8.4 billion US dollars in 2018, having increased more than 1,800 times. Since 2011, Chine was the biggest trade partner of Turkmenistan for 8 times while Turkmenistan is the third trade partner of China among the CIS countries.

Chinese – Turkmen gas cooperation can be described as strategic, long-term and beneficial, which meets mutual interests. More than 250 billion cubic meters of Turkmen gas have been imported by China after the opening of Turkmenistan – China gas line in 2009. The structure of Chinese – Turkmen gas cooperation, including production and development, transportation, trade, construction works and financial services, has been formed up for more than 10 years.

In cultural and humanitarian sphere, both sides have successfully conducted mutual Chinese – Turkmen scientific and innovative forums, Days of Culture, joint offsite session of International Association of Ahalteke Horse Breeding. The events dedicated to Turkmen horse are held in Jilin Province of China from last June.

Speaking of scientific and educational cooperation, the Ambassador of the PRC noted that more than 2,400 Turkmen students study in different directions in China. For several years, the Embassy of the PRC to Turkmenistan organizes trips to China for the youth, students, teachers, students of Turkmenistan for improvement of dialog in humanitarian sphere.

It was mentioned that today, Chinese – Turkmen relations are on new level and have big potential for steadfast development. Digital and space technologies, implementation of 5G standard, scientific studies, electronic and processing industry, traditional medicine, agriculture, finances and tourism are among priority vectors of the partnership.

The article of Chinese Ambassador highlighted another important subject. This is similarity of approached of the leaders of two countries to the idea of restoration of the Great Silk Road in new format. In September 2013 during his visit to Central Asia, Chairman of China Xi Jinping proposed an initiative of Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st - century Maritime Silk Road in October of the same year during the visit to the countries of Southeast Asia, which received the received the name Belt and Road Initiative. Throughout six years, more than 130 countries and 30 international organizations have signed documents on the Belt and Road Strategy with China. This initiative, which is based on the principles of joint consulting, construction and use, has become an efficient platform for cooperation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed an initiative of restoration of the Great Silk road, which has become an important contribution of Turkmen side to promotion of regional integration. The President of Turkmenistan noted at the first Caspian Economic Forum that Belt and Road Initiative and restoration of the Great Silk Road are based on historical similarities and are to serve to the wealth of the nations.

Chinese diplomat noted that Turkmenistan – China gas line can be easily called as energy Silk Road of new century. At present time, container shipments have already started by China – Kazakhstan – Turkmenistan – Iran railroad. Delivery time from China to Persian Gulf was reduced from 28 to 14 days while the distance by more than 600 km, which has made the trade between transboundary countries to be more easy and convenient.

China is willing to put efforts with Turkmen side for active promotion of the process of collaboration of the Belt and Road Initiatives and restoration of the Great Silk Road, rendering mutual support, generation of new points of economic growth, implementation of new projects, which meet the interests of both countries and nations, Ambassador of the PRC Sung Weidong highlights in his article.