Ï The President of Turkmenistan: Honest fulfilment of duties is the main requirement of the Government officials

The President of Turkmenistan: Honest fulfilment of duties is the main requirement of the Government officials

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President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held offsite joint session of the Cabinet of Ministers and the State Security Council. The agenda included outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agencies for nine months of the year as well as current objectives of home policy and number of organizational issues.

First, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security Ya. Berdiyev reported on integrated measures taken in January – September for successful realization of the military reform. Information about work of the Ministry for provision of stability , law and order in the country has also been given. Subjects related to the fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State for training of qualified personnel for security forces has been highlighted in the report.

After, Minister of Interior I. Mulikov reported on the outcomes of work of his structure for the period under review, measures for provision of public order and prevention of crimes in the country. Results of the month of road traffic safety as well as activities carried out for improvement of Traffic Control Service were separate subjects of the report. Information about implementation of modern organizational forms and methods of work in all structural divisions of the Ministry of Interior as per the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and improvement of qualification of personnel has also been presented.

After, the floor was given to Minister of Defence B. Gundogdiyev who reported on practical measures taken for nine months of the year for improvement of activity of the formations of the Armed Forces, solution of social issues of military personnel and their families. Report on recruitment of citizens to compulsory military service, activities for patriotic education of young soldiers, who would have to continue glorious traditions of brave ancestors, has also been presented.

Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev reported on the course of legal reform, work carried out from the beginning of the year for provision of the supremacy of law during court cases and on improvement of qualification of personnel of the authority,

It was informed that activity of this authority is aimed at protection of personal rights and freedoms, social, economic and political rights of the citizens, which are guaranteed by the Main Law and legal acts, constitutional order of Turkmenistan, state and public interests as well as the rights of legal entities regardless from the ownership, subordination and activity.

Prosecutor General B. Atdayev reported on the results of inspections carried out by the order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as on work of the structures under his supervision for nine months of the year. Personnel of this authority control the fulfilment of regulatory and legal acts using broad authority and procuratorial measures. Integrated measures for enhancement of personnel potential of the authority are taken for successful solution of set objectives.

Head of the State Border Guard Service Sh. Durdiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of his structure for the period under review. The information about modernization of equipment and facility base of frontier outposts, which is supplied with latest specialized equipment and resources, regular activities for improvement of combat training and patriotic education of young warriors has been presented.

Chairman of the State Customs Service M. Hudaykuliyev reported on activity of his organization for January – September this year, introduction of modern technologies designated for inspection of cargo crossing the border of the country in both direction. It was informed in the report about the measures for successful solution of objectives aimed at improvement of the efficiency of work of the customs by implementation of new equipment, electronic systems and advanced practice.

Minister of Justice B. Muhamedov reported on the results of activity of the structure under his supervision for nine months of 2019, measures for bringing of legislation base to compliance with modern requirements and universal standards of international law.

Chairman of the State Migration Service M. Gurdov reported on the outcomes of activity for the period under review, fulfilment of objectives for improvement of professional level of personnel taking into account systematic growth of international event in Turkmenistan, business and tourist trips to our country. It was also informed that great attention is paid to further enhancement of work methods of the Service, study of the world practice in this field.

Addressing the participants of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that in general, there are many issues, which require solution despite positive indicators. The government programmes have been adopted, specific objectives for elimination of existing deficiencies have been outlined for these purpose, Turkmen leader continued, having highlighted that these subjects were discussed in details at the recent session of the People’s Council. In this regard, the emphasis was laid upon the necessity of strict fulfilment of all set objectives.

After, the Head of Turkmenistan pointed the attention of the participants of the session on number of issues related to implementation of the strategy of the state development. Major political and economic changes are carried out at present time, the President of the country noted. The work for transit to digital economy is carried out, educational and scientific spheres, agricultural sector, oil and gas complex, law enforcement structures and other branches are under reformation.

The objective of all changes is to bring the economy on qualitatively new level, which is directly related to further development of the country as democratic, secular and legal state with marketing economy and to improvement of wealth of the nation, the President highlighted.

The Head of the State continued that there are such bad occurrences as bribery and corruption despite the improvement of social and living conditions of the citizens, having noted that such negative occurrences make negative effect on different spheres starting from the economy to moral conditions of the society.

Bribery and corruption destroy the government and public order. In the result, the growth of the economy slows down and serious obstacle appear in the state development, Turkmen leader said.

Having focused on important role of law enforcement agencies in fighting against these negative occurrences, the President noted that at present time, the stability of economic foundation of the country as well as success of reforms mainly depend on efficient work of these structures. Activities of these authorities are aimed at combating against organised crime, corruption, terrorism and extremism, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces highlighted.

Control of illegal drug trafficking, protection of life, health and property of the citizens from criminal offences, provision of constitutional rights and freedoms are the main vectors of activity of law enforcement structures. However, unfortunately there are personnel who were involved in bribery and corruption in law enforcement structures, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

After, the floor was given to Prosecutor General B. Atdayev who reported on the results of inspection carried out by the request of the Head of the State in the Ministry of Interiorand on detected offences.

It was informed that Minister of Interior I. Mulikov admitted the violation, having appointed Berdimyrat Berdiyev to the post of the Acting Head of penitentiary facility under the structure of the Ministry located in Ahal Velaya on February 1, 2018. This person does not have profile education, being a veterinarian by education, and was not qualified to occupy this position. He has been terminated by now.

According to the Law on Interior Affairs Authorities of Turkmenistan, one of the main objectives of the Ministry is to prevent road traffic violations, compliance of traffic regulation by all. However, the work has not been organized on proper level.

Cases related to creation of obstacles for coordinated traffic on capital’s roads have been admitted due to loss of control of the activity of lower structure by Minister of interior I. Mulikov during the month of rod traffic safety. By the results of inspections, drivers who violated traffic regulations were held administratively liable.

Information about use of service transport for personal purposes, in particular the case of transportation of personnel of municipal service of Ashgabat administration took place, has also been presented. Officer of Traffic Control Service of the Ministry of Interior, Policy Captain Kerimguly Chariyev was taken into custody and criminal case against him was opened.

It was found out during investigation that some personnel of the above-mentioned division took bribes. In particular, officers of Traffic Control Service of Ashgabat Guvanch Muhammedov and Sylapberdy Shirliyev agreed and demanded big bribe from one of drivers despite the fact that all documents for vehicle were according to the requirements. Criminal case has been opened on this fact against G. Muhamemedov and S. Shirliyev, who were taken into custody.

In addition, there cases of use of the authority by the officials for gain purposes. For example, officer of the Traffic Control Service of Police Department of Ashgabat Azat Saparov abused his authority and obstructed filing report on administrative violation against his friends who were had breached traffic regulations. A. Saparov was taken into custody and court case was filed against him for his activities.

In the result of additional investigation, which was carried out after the court decision on Ch. Kulov, the facts of big bribery have been discovered. Two houses and several vehicles were confiscated to the favour of the State. At present time, the investigation is continued.

It was also informed that the Minister of Interior did not released Deputy Head of Pasport and Registration Department of Ashgabat Police Department Didarmyrat Muhammedov who is a relative of Ch. Kulov. Being an official of the Ministry of Interior, he admitted violation, having not reported to law enforcement agencies about Ch. Kulov who was punished for serious crime. At present time, D. Muhamedov was taken into custody and court case was filed against him.

The above-mentioned facts Show that Minister of Interior I. Mulikov did not perform his service duties properly.

Addressing I. Mulikov, the Head of the State noted that he had admitted serious deficiencies during his work as the Minister of Interior. Despite the fact that he was reprimanded 12 times, the Head of this department did not make relative outcomes, the President continued.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov released Lieutenant General I. Mulikov from the post of the Minister of Interior with demotion to special rank of the Major of Police and withdrawal of all state awards for serious failures admitted in work and in the management of his structure, abuse of authority as well as for major violation of official power.

Having released M. Chakiyev from the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President appointed him as the Minister of Interior.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov was appointed as Acting Vice-premier for supervision of industrial and communication complex.

New Minister of Interior assured that he would put all efforts, knowledge and experience for strict fulfilment of the objectives and tasks of his structure.

Addressing the participants, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted that heads of almost all ministries, departments and organizations are present at the session. “I repeatedly said in my speeches including at inauguration ceremony that I would fight resolutely against all crimes, to bring to responsibility all guilty officials regardless of their positions”, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Government officials, especially personnel of law enforcement agencies, are required to perform the duties honestly and faithfully putting the interests of independent neutral state above all, the President said.

Continuing, the Head of the State has drawn the attention of the participants that resolute fight against illegal activity of the government officials would be carried out; regardless of the position, all people who are involved in corruption and bribery would be brought to responsibility in accordance with law.

Addressing Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, the President noted the necessity to review the subject of enforcement of penitentiary measures against bribery and corruption in national legislation. Having reminded that the amnesty is not applicable for people were convicted for bribery and corruption, Turkmen leader highlighted the importance to set forth relative provisions in legal acts.

“I will never allow anyone to steal money from the people and get rich from our citizens”, - the Head of Turkmen state said.

Having noted that the structure and number of personnel of the General Prosecution Authority would be increased, the President highlighted that such negative occurrence as steeling of government assets would be eliminated.

Turkmen leader ordered the State Security Council and the Mejlis to develop new edition of the Anti-corruption and bribery Programme, which is to become a component of the Programme of further development of our independent state.

This document has to include complex of measures of organizational, economic, legal and personnel character which are necessary to improve on permanent basis by the government authorities, administrations, organizations and facilities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted. The main objectives of the Programme is to eliminate root causes and conditions of bribery and corruption.

After, the attention of the participants of the session was focused on the issues related to the activity of Türkmen Atlary State Association where weakening of work organization has been admitted recently as well as cases of violations of the standards of training of ahalteke horse took have taken place, the President said, having highlighted that all responsibility for existing deficiencies rests on Head of the Association M. Annanepesov.

In this regard, the Head of the State signed the Order on termination of M. Annanepesov from the post of the General Director of Türkmen Atlary State association.

Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of National Security ya. Berdiyev assured President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov that necessary measures would be taken in close cooperation with all military and law enforcement structures for elimination of existing deficiencies as well as for successful solution of set objectives.

Other subjects, on which relative decisions have been made, were reviewed at the offsite extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers and State Security Council.

In the end of the session, the Head of the State wished all participants big success in their important and responsible work.