Ï President of Turkmenistan underlines importance of advanced approaches to laying out recreation zones

President of Turkmenistan underlines importance of advanced approaches to laying out recreation zones

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President of Turkmenistan underlines importance of advanced approaches to laying out recreation zones
Upon completion of the extended meeting of the State Security Council, the President of Turkmenistan together with the head of the Mejlis and Deputy Vice Premiers of the Cabinet of Ministers walked around the center of Ashgabat, paying attention to its improvement and landscaping.

“The external appearance of the capital should reflect its status as the center of socio-political, economic and cultural life of the country, international cooperation”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, giving relevant instructions to the government officials.

It was emphasized that the establishment of a modern and comfortable environment in the city were directly related to the level of its environmental well-being.

Noting that the historical core of the city, despite the transformed appearance of the rapidly developing capital, preserves its special aura, the President of Turkmenistan shared his memories of how often he came there in his early days and student years.

Nowadays, this is one of the favourite park zones of Ashgabat residents.

Continuing the conversation, the President emphasized the importance of maintaining the significance of such places in Ashgabat that connect several generations of citizens, and to maintain their attractiveness to residents.

The President of Turkmenistan noted that as elsewhere in the capital, in such corners, systematic work should be carried out to care for trees and flowers, to create an aesthetic and harmonious space and leisure facilities and gave relevant instructions for the further development of the city.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the squares in the city should adorn the capital, stand as green islands of peace and tranquility, where one can spend time with pleasure, take a walk, and enjoy the picturesque views.

The emphasis was placed on the need to take the advanced approaches in the organization of recreation areas, the methods of landscape architecture and design. The President of Turkmenistan gave special instructions in this direction to the relevant officials, specifying the basic requirements for the improvement of Ashgabat.

“We should also take a thorough approach to the architectural "landscape" of Ashgabat, a balanced combination of forms of small and monumental plastic to create an expressive and unique image of our capital”, said the President of Turkmenistan and instructed the relevant officials to keep the work carried out in this direction under strict control.

Focusing on the importance to reflect the traditions of national architecture and the principles of modern urban planning, to ensure the smooth functioning of road transport infrastructure, the lighting systems and other urban communications, the President dwelt upon the significance to introduce the best practices, the latest technologies and digital networks in this area that will help to transform the capital into a smart metropolis.