Ï Turkmen leader visits major construction sites of Ashgabat

Turkmen leader visits major construction sites of Ashgabat

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with relative Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, some members of the State Security council, hyakim of Ashgabat and number of ministers and department heads made working trip around the capital, having inspected the situation at major construction sites.

During the trip, the President went to new facilities built along Chandybil Avenue. Upon arrival, the Head of the State looked around the projects presented by the Minister of Health Protection and Medical Industry N. Amannepesov including the project of construction of International Medical and Aesthetic Centre and other medical facilities.

With regard to International Medical and Aesthetic centre, its construction is oriented to further development of national health protection sphere and strengthening of its equipment and facility base for provision of high-quality service for elimination of congenital or acquired defect, abnormalities and injuries. At the same time, this project is a visual evidence of continuation of work for steadfast development of specialized directions of medicine and modernization of profile infrastructure.

After, the Head of the State inspected the construction of the building of the State Commercial Türkmenbaşy Bank. Representative of French Bouygues Bâtiment International, which builds this facility, presented relative projects to the President for review. Building of Join Stock Commercial Senagat Bank is also under construction at the same place.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on quality of works and materials used for construction, which have to meet international standards and highlighted the provision of high quality of construction. At the same time, the assignments related to implementation of traditions of national architecture and compliance to the requirements of lighting works have been given.

In this regard, the Head of the State requested Vice-premier G. Myradov and Chairman of the Central Bank M. Annadurdiyev to hold the situation at construction sites under strict control.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the place of construction of the complex of buildings of the People’s Council Administration. Representative of Bouygues introduced project drawings and layouts to the Head of the State. Turkmen leader has also expressed the interest in specification of decoration materials.

The President noted that local natural landscape has to be taken into account during construction of facilities in this part of the city – picturesque mountain view and modern buildings have to match.

Having inspected the project, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov focused on the decoration of the building including on marble tiling. The Head of the State has ordered to provide high quality of works and their compliance with traditions of national architecture and decoration.

Integrated urban construction programme is aimed at application of innovative and weighted approach in solution of all objectives, attraction of advanced technologies and developments as well as the best world practice. It was mentioned that it is necessary to foresee targeted purpose and well-thought operation of the buildings and facilities during their construction, provision of social and living, engineering and technical, transport and communication infrastructure.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that latest communication equipment has to be used during technical provision of the facilities, having addressed specific assignments to the Chairman of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency.

After, the President went to the complex of buildings of the Congress centre, which is under construction. Having inspected the facility, the Head of the State, gave assignments to the contractor for provision of high construction standards and quality of works, timely commissioning of this and other facilities.

Big building has five floors and its total area is 47,464 square meters. It occupies 93,700 square meters. The height of the building is 38.65 metres and width 190 meters.

All three facilities of the Congress centre has common architectural solution. Taking into account that Ashgabat has become a place of big regular forums of regional and international significance recently, all facilities, which are built in this place, have to meet high international standards, the Head of the State said.

Reception Centre was the next facility that President has inspected. Having looked around the works, the Head of the State noted that it is necessary to pay close attention to specification of construction and finishing materials.

Special attention has to be paid to advanced technologies and communication in the provision of the facility. Surrounding territory has to be developed, the President said.

After, Turkmen leader went to fashionable Arkadag Hotel, which is currently under construction in this place. This building has to meet highest international standards and requirements for similar facilities by all parameters starting from the quality of construction to provision and decoration.

Demonstration rooms, which give visual impression of the interior of hotel rooms, their provision and conditions for the comfort of guest were presented to the Head of the State.

Video about special features of interior and exterior design, location of rooms has been demonstrated in 3D format. President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that provision of high quality of works, harmonic combination of modern practice with the best national traditions are the main criteria during construction of this complex as well as during construction of any facility in all parts of the country.

This beautiful hotel complex, which will be distinguished by original architectural design in the shape of semicircle, will be built on 22.9 hectares between Archabyl and Chandybil Avenues. Its structure will include a hotel, business centre and apart hotel. National Turkmen pattern and other exclusive decoration details will be used in design of the hotel.

725-meter artificial river will stretch across the territory of the complex. It will also have artificial lake, open-door swimming pool with aquapark, fountains, open restaurant and café. At the same time, the project includes the construction of 600 meters of road.

At present time, the works at construction site are continued as per the schedule. Having noted that it is necessary to put all efforts to provide high quality of works and timely completion of construction according to the contract, the President requested to hold the situation at construction site under proper control.

The Head of the State highlighted that all future facilities have to merge harmonically into magnificent architectural ensemble of this part of the city combining with city landscape.

Interior and exterior design of the buildings has to have bright national colours, which would give an opportunity to foreign guest who would stay in the hotel to learn about original traditions of Turkmen people, the President said.

Today, Ashgabat has become a place of regional and global cooperation, which provides the necessity to make all conditions for big international events and deserved reception of foreign guests, Turkmen leader highlighted, having given specific assignments in this regard.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued inspecting facilities under construction, which include new Government Tribune. Having inspected the course of construction of this facility, the Head of the State gave orders related to its decoration and development of surrounding territory.

Total are of the facility is 20,450 square meters. It will have 47,324 square meters of developed territory around it. The facility includes the President Tribune and tribune of guests for 2,000 seats. The height of the front façade is 30 meters while the height of top level is 2.55 meters. The width of the tribune is 160 meters. It will also have a helipad.

The President addressed the Hyakim of Ashgabat and representative of Bouygues with assignments on decoration of the Government tribune, near which major events including celebration of Turkmenistan Independence Day will be held. In addition, the Head of the State said, it has to include the best conditions for the guests.

After, addressing the heads of military and law enforcement agencies, Turkmen leader ordered to provide necessary conditions for organized marching of modern specialized military vehicles during preparation of military parades.

The Head of the State has also focused the attention of the Vice-premiers on importance of all necessary conditions for organization of mass public events in this place.

Summing up the outcomes of working trip and addressing the members of the Government, heads of relative ministries and departments as well as the Hyakim of the capital, the President ordered to provide coordinated and integrated work of urban life support system.

Having noted that creation of favourable conditions for life of the population is the main requirement, President Gurbangly Berdimuhamedov wished success in solution of set objectives to all participants and left the place of event.