Ï The Head of the State sets objectives for improvement of potential of industrial and communication complex

The Head of the State sets objectives for improvement of potential of industrial and communication complex

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov and Minister of Industry and Communication T. Durhanov.

Opening working session, the Head of the State noted that he invited relative officials to review the main directions of industrialization, discussion of construction works in the c country, improvement of level and quality of construction, enhancement of activity of energy industry, municipal service and introduction of latest technologies to production sphere as well as process of digitization of the branches of national economy.

First, the floor for report was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister who is in charge of construction, energy and municipal spheres as well as for industrial and communication complexes Ch. Purchekov.

The Vice-premier reported on the situation in the branches under his supervision and fulfilment of the assignments of the Head of the State on acceleration of works at construction sites, increment of production of energy structure of the country, implementation advanced methods to municipals services as well as digitization of industrial complex, transport sphere and communication, improvement of production out put of electronic industry,

The President highlighted the appropriateness to hold the meeting for discussion of work of the structures in the in context of set objectives prior to the sessions of the Cabinet of Ministers by the outcomes of nine months and Constitutional Commission. These structures plays coordinating role in realization of the government strategy of social and economic development of profile programme, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted and demanded to put all efforts for enhancement of their activity.

It was mentioned that together with current work in the spheres under supervision, it is necessary to pay special attention to activation of international cooperation. Having focused on improvement of quality and efficiency of works in industrial and communication complexes, the Head of the State pointed out the importance of development of digital system and electronic document management in these spheres.

The Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to approach the objectives of efficient and rational use of material resources in the country on comprehensive scientific base for their further processing and production of goods, having given number of assignments to the Vice-premier on this account.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov listened to the report of Minister of Industry and Communication T. Durhanov who reported on the situation if the structures under his supervision, results of work for improvement of the system of electronic management and implementation of advanced practice. It was mentioned that work in this direction has systematic character and supports the increment of production output capacity, enhancement of the quality and profitability of the branches.

Having listened to the report, the President noted the appropriateness of current session for discussion of the issues of strengthening of potential of industrial and communication complex for improvement of production of various spheres. Having focused that similar session are useful for analysis of activity of the branches and finding of unused reserves, Turkmen leader highlighted that it would allow increasing rates of work in relative structures.

Having noted that this complex has the main place in provision of large-scale construction of different facilities in the country with necessary materials as well as in industrial processing of local raw materials, the Head of the state demanded to study and use advanced practice, scientific achievements and latest technologies. At the same time, the work has to be arranged according to modern requirements in the structures of transport and communication.

Strengthening of equipment and facility base of transport and communication sphere of national economy, activation of international cooperation in this direction, increment of cargo and passenger transportation are the main time requirements, the President continued.

Having focused on the importance of new developments and preparation of relative proposals for development of the branches and their further modernization, the President highlighted that it is necessary to use latest achievements of modern science more efficiently for development of production on scientific base as well as to train qualified personnel.

Continuing Turkmen leader noted that it is necessary to approach the issues of successful solution of objectives of strategic branches of national economy on comprehensive base with full responsibility.

At the same time, it was highlighted that acceleration of digitization process, provision of communication sphere with latest systems are important requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to efficient use of capabilities of national satellite of Turkmenistan and to preparation to the launch of the second artificial satellite.

In general, having noted the importance of scientific and comprehensive approach to the issues of construction, which is carried out in all parts of the country, development of energy sphere, municipal service, industrial and communication complex, the President highlighted the appropriateness of joint efforts for improvement of this work. Finishing working session, the Head of the State wished success in solution of set objectives to all participants.

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On the same day, Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication of Turkmenistan hosted the meeting of the shareholders, where personnel decisions on termination of the chairman of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency from his post and appointment of new head have been made. This document was presented to the President of the country for review.