Ï Outcomes of Turkmenistan development in January – September are discussed at the session of the Government

Outcomes of Turkmenistan development in January – September are discussed at the session of the Government

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where outcomes of work of the branches of national economy for nine months of the year have been summed up, personnel issues have been reviewed and priority objectives for the time remained until new year have been outlined.

Having announced the agenda, the Head of the State started the session with review of personnel issues.

Having reminded that M. Chakiyev was released from the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and appointed as the Minister of Interior, the President informed about the decision to give a special rank of Police Major General and signed relative Order.

Having informed about his decision to appoint B. Ovezov as the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President of Turkmenistan approved the decision of the session of shareholders of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency of the Ministry of Industry and Communication on release him from the post of the Chairman of this agency, having signed relative Order and Resolution.

The Head of the State has also signed the Resolution, having approved the decision of the session of shareholders of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency on election of H. Hudayguliyev as the Chairman of this agency, having released him from te post of the Deputy Chairman of this organization.

During the session, the President of Turkmenistan signed the Order on appointment of A. Berdiyev as the General Director of Türkmen atlary State Association, having released him from the post of the Deputy Director of this Association.

Having wished success to new Director of Türkmen atlary State Association, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered him to take all necessary measures for further development of national equestrian sphere on systematic scientific base.

Continuing the session, the Head of the State signed the Order on movement of the day-off on occasion of the Memory Day from October 6 to October 7, Monday.

Having noted that we would pay tribute to the memory of our ancestors on Sunday, Turkmen leader ordered the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, hyakims and other officials to provide high organizational level of events dedicated to this day.

After, the President of Turkmenistan gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov who reported on macroeconomic indicators for the period under review.

It was informed that growth rate of the GDP remains on high level of 6.3 percent. According to the results of analysis of the indicators of the ministries and profile departments, the volume of production has increased by 6.9 percent comparing for the same period on 2018.

The growth rate in non-governmental sector of the economy, which share is the structures of the GDP is 65.7 percent, has been provided by the results of nine months. Volume of retail trade increased by 19.1 percent comparing with the same time of the period of 2018 for the period under review. Positive dynamics is observed in foreign trade, which is indicated by its growth by 2.8 percent.

The Vice-premier has also reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on fulfilment of the State budget. Average salary wages in big and medium facilities has grown by 9.6 percent comparing with the same period of last year.

Construction of production, social and cultural facilities is carried out at high rates in all regions of the country from the beginning of the year. According to macroeconomic indicators, volume of developed investments from all sources of financing has reached 27.3 billion manats.

Information about the course of implementation of new edition of National Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for improvement of social and living conditions of rural population until 2020 has been presented.

9 facilities has been completed, 107 are still under construction and installation works while on the rest are under preparation from 242 facilities planned to be built under the Programme of the President of Turkmenistan for social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025.

The Vice-premier has also reported on practical measures for improvement of banking sphere, in particular on implementation of digital system, expansion of the spectrum of non-cash payment, increment of bank card services.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that not much time left until new year. In this context, the necessity of taking of all measures for successful fulfilment of works planned for remaining period was highlighted.

Addressing the vice-premier, the President ordered him and other deputies to hold a meeting for discussion of priority objectives followed from the decisions of the People’s Council and the State Budget for the next year.

Speaking of the State budget for the next year, the Head of the State ordered to complete the development of the document and to present to the Mejlis for review.

According to relative Order, the main financial plan of the country has to provide further increment of salary wages, pensions, state allowances, student scholarships as well as number of other social payments, the President of Turkmenistan said, having focused on the necessity to provide the finances for mandatory construction of living in each etrap and city for those who need it in the State budget.

The President has also drawn the attention of the Vice-premiers to enforce the work of respected ministries and departments for further development and improvement of financial situation of the branches. Having noted that the programmes for opening of new work places are not fulfilled on proper level, the Head of the State highlighted that these subjects would be reviewed separately after completion of the year.

In his turn, reporting on the outcomes of work of the branches under his supervision for nine months of the year, Deputy chairman of the Cabinet of Minister E. Orazgeldiyev noted that in general, the growth rate of production, works and services of agricultural complex was 108.4 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.

At the same time, the indicator of the MInsitry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 108 percent, the State Water Management Committee – 112.5 percent, Türkmen atlary State Association – 105.8 percent. The plan of investment development has been executed by 106.3 percent.

At present time, seasonal agricultural works including wheat sowing and cotton harvest are continued in the velayats. As for today, 425,557 tons of cotton have been produced.

Addressing Vice-premier E. Orazgeldieyv, hyakims of the velayats, heads of agricultural complex, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out slow rates of reforms in agrarian sector. It was highlighted that the objective is not only to fill the markets of the country with agricultural production and reduce the import but also to arrange export of this production.

It is necessary to continue work for improvement of the management structure of agrarian sector and conducting of land reform, the Head of the State highlighted.

The necessity of opening of biological laboratories, introduction of systems of rain and drip irrigation, steadfast implementation of the General Programme of provision of settlements of Turkmenistan with pure drinking water has been noted.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minster R. Meredov reported on the outcomes of activity of the Ministry for the past nine months as well as on the results of working visit of Turkmenistan delegation to New York for participation in the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the re request of the Head of the State.

In this context, it was mentioned that development of fruitful cooperation with competent international organizations where special role is given to strategic partnership with the UN is one of the main direction of foreign course of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry informed that Turkmen side has spoken at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly, having presented priority positions of Turkmenistan in such global modern subjects as provision of security and sustainable development, climate change as well as proposed constructive initiatives of the President of the country on this directions.

During working visit, the delegation of our country had a meeting with the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, during which the Head of the UN received an invitation of Turkmen leader to take part in International Conference planned on occasion of the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan neutrality in 2020.

Having highlighted significant contribution of Turkmen side to provision of peace and stability in the region, the UN Secretary General gave high appraisal to the initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov aimed at solution of current issues of the global agenda.

Willingness to further development of multidimensional cooperation between Turkmenistan and the UN, which meets the interest of common wealth, has been expressed at the meeting. It was also noted that important role is given to the activity related to the climate change in home and foreign policy of our country.

In this context, it is remarkable that new edition of National Strategy of Turkmenistan for climate change has been approved by the Resolution of the President on September 23 when Climate Summit has been held in New York under the 74th session of the UN General Assembly.

At the same time, the importance of development of the UN Special Programme for Aral Sea region and development of Caspian ecological programme initiated by the Head of Turkmen state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has been highlighted.

During the visit, Turkmenistan delegation took part in number of international events as well as had multilateral and bilateral meetings, during which the exchange of the vies on importance and practical implementation of creative initiatives of the Leader of the Nation in different spheres took place.

At the request of the President of Turkmenistan, Turkmen side has signed the Code of Conduct for a world free of terrorism in the UN Headquarter on September 30. Joining of the above-mentioned document has become another evidence of invariable commitment of our country o fulfilment of undertaken international obligations.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Vice-premier, the Foreign Minister to provide high organizational level of preparation to visits, conferences and other international events on occasion of the day of Neutrality. At the same time, the Head of the State requested to elaborate on the plan of international visits for the next year and order of planned forums and present it for approval.

Addressing the participants of the session dedicated to the outcomes of work for the past nine months, Turkmen leader noted that foreign policy of our independent state is pursued as before on the base of invariable commitment to the principles of neutrality, peace, goodwill and beneficial cooperation.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued that we pursue our home policy according to the approved programmes. At present time, according to the Programme of the President, huge investments are sent for solution of social and economic issues, construction of new and reconstruction of existing facilities. Volumes of these investments is about 30 billion manats across the country. realization of major internal and international projects is continued.

79 large facilities worth more than 10 billion manats, around 1 million square meters of living including comfortable houses, hotels and recreational complexes, medical centres, schools, kindergartens and other facilities have been put into operation during past period.

At present moment, construction of around 2,000 big facilities to total amount of more than 34 billion US dollars is carried out. It includes the works for development of oil and gas deposits, construction of gas lines, sport facilities, airports, roads and bridges.

Reforms in agriculture started bringing good results. Rich harvest of grain has been produced this year.

Reforms in national spheres of science, education and health protection are continued.

The growth of domestic gross product has reached high level in the result of this colossal work. Volumes of industrial production have been increased, the President said. Due to realization of adopted programmes for import substitution, the volumes of export have increased by 7.5 percent while the import has reduced by 5 percent.

Exchange rate of national currency remains stable. Low prices on goods and services in local markets were kept. Volumes of investments to social and living sphere have been increased, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted.