Ï First session of the Constitution Commission takes place

First session of the Constitution Commission takes place

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First session of the Constitution Commission for development and compilation of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan was held after the session of the Cabinet of Ministers.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed that the main goal of the meeting is to adopt working plan for the Constitution Commission and to discuss the issues related with its activity for further improvement of work of legislative authority of the country.

Having highlighted that he already mentioned in his speech at the People’s Council that economic and political situation in the world changes rapidly, the President stated that the necessity of steadfast modernization of the government power and administrative authorities including representative bodies is coming.

Therefore, key vectors and priority directions of current and future development have to be reflected in the Main Law taking into consideration the best achivements and international practice, the Head of the State said.

Following our fundamental political, economic and legal positions in our activity, we adhere to the principles of humanity and justice, which characterize the way of development of advanced states of the world, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued. We put integrated efforts to follow these principles in international relations.

Therefore, the amendments and addendums of the Constitution will have these provisions.

After, the floor was given to the Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova who highlighted the appropriateness of work for further improvement of the Constitution of the country in the context of large-scale changes and reforms initiated by the President of Turkmenistan.

It was mentioned that initiative of the Head of the State on change over to two-chamber parliamentary system of signed Order on foundation of the Constitution Commission for work in this direction mark new stage of political and legal reforms, which set new responsible objectives to political and public structures of the country.

It includes detailed explanation of the meaning and importance of current changes, improvement of the status of the People’s Council, its goals and objectives to wide public, the Speaker of the Parliament continued.

According to the orders of President Gurbanguly Beerdimuhamedov on preparation of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Main Law of the country, this work would be carried out by the deputies of the Mejlis, members of velayat, city and etrap People’s Councils, scientists, lecturers of universities, representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations and youth.

After, the Head of the State gave floor to Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov. Having noted that initiatives of the Head of the State for improvement of the Constitution of Turkmenistan are very important in strengthening of positions of civil society, the Minister highlighted the requirements of constitutional reforms as well as transit of national legislative authority to two-chamber system, which was widely supported by the nation.

Working group on study and compilation of proposals established under the Mejlis of Turkmenistan includes a representative of the Ministry of Justice. In the context of this important work, the Ministry makes analysis of universal standards of international law, in particular those, which are related to the activity of Parliaments, and study the world practice in this sphere.

After, the floor was given to Hakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev who informed about work, which is planned to be done in near future for further implementation of constitutional reform and bringing of the Main Law to correspondence with time requirements.

The initiative of the Head of the State on improvement of the Constitution of Turkmenistan received full support of the population, the Hyakim said, having highlighted that programme speech of the President at the session of the People’s Council is a guidance during this important work.

Following the assignments given by the Head of Turkmenistan, necessary measures for collection and summarization of the proposals from the citizens, their active participation in this important process as well as explanation of the meaning and goals of the government internal and foreign policy are taken, the Head of regional administration said.

Chairman of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan A. Serdarov noted that bringing of the main law to correspondence with time requirements serves to strengthen national legislation base, further democratization of Turkmen society, invariable successful promotion of the country on the way of progress.

Having listened to the speeches, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov approved the proposal on appointment of Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova as the Deputy Chairman of the Constitution Commission for development and compilation of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan as well as on working plan of this Commission, having signed relative document.

The Head of the State noted that Constitution Commission has to carry out proper work in close collaboration with the Mejlis, Cabinet of Ministers, relative ministries and department, political parties, public organizations, local authorities and citizens.

The main objectives of the Commission is to prepare amendments and addendums of the relative articles of the Constitution of Turkmenistan. In this regard, the Commission has to identify clearly that the Mejlis consists of two chambers, to define their rights, roles and responsibilities, period of authority and to provide their establishment.

The Head of the State highlighted that it is necessary to provide the fulfilment of all standards aimed at solution of set objectives for achievement of coordinated operation of two chambers of legislative body based on the principles of independence, justice and transparency according to legislative requirements in the world.

Rules and standards related to this subject have to be developed based on national practice gained in the government administration and international practice taking into account coming proposals.

Speaking of this and addressing Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that it is necessary to make analysis of Constitutional Law on the People’s Council of Turkmenistan, Law on the Mejlis of Turkmenistan and number of other legal acts as well as to provide their relative amendments and addendums.

All work related to amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan has to be carried out with active participation of scientists of the country, representatives of government institutions, political parties, public associations and other representatives of civil society and wide public who represent the opinion of majority of the citizens, the Head of the State said.

Events for discussion of coming proposals have to have a big scale. President of Turkmenistan ordered Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdieyva, Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov and Chairman of the Supreme Court G. Halliyev to take care of organization of this work.

Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov, the Head of the State pointed out that scientific potential of the Institute of State, Law and Democracy and the Institute of Foreign Relations of the Foreign Ministry has to be widely implemented in work in this direction.

The President addressed Vice-premier G. Myradov to provide comprehensive financial and economic component of the events related to preparation and discussion of the draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minsters B. Ovezov was ordered to establish efficient application of digital system, developed communication technologies and communication media for provision of wide national discussion of the above-mentioned draft Constitutional Law.

Addressing Vice-premier P. Agamyradov, the President highlighted that heads of the structures under his supervision have to attract scientific personnel to improvement of activity of National Parliament. It is also necessary to use potential of scientific institutes of other states, which cooperates with our country in humanitarian sphere. Students, representatives of political parties and public associations have to take an active part in this work.

Addressing Secretary of the State Security Council, Defence Minister Ya. Berdiyev, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, the President highlighted that they also have big objectives related to constitutional reforms.

The Head of the State pointed out the necessity of creation of all capabilities for military personnel would be able to give their proposals free.

Setting the objectives to leaders of political parties and public organizations, the President noted that they have to organize a large-scale explanatory work related to amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and improvement of activity of National Parliament.

It is planned to draft the Constitutional Law on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of the country by the results of work in this direction and to present the draft at the session of the People’s Council for review in 2020.

Transit of legislative body of the state power to entirely new format – two-chamber system, will allow turning National Parliament into the authority representing interests of all levels of Turkmen society, fundamentally improving development and practical application of laws, which will support the solution of current issues of the present, establishment of more efficient close cooperation between electorate and deputies.

This, it will turn into national representative body with wide range of responsibilities and authorities, President Gurbanguly Beerdimuhamedov highlighted.

Addressing the participants of the session, the Head of the State noted that big political and state event, which were organized on high level, have been held in our country.

In this regard, the Head of Turkmenistan expressed gratitude to all, including Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of ministries and departments, facilities and organizations, certain people who took an active part in preparation and conduct of these events, having informed about the decision to confer some of them with the State awards.

Having signed relative Order, the President of Turkmenistan requested Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova to hand over these awards in ceremonial atmosphere in the afternoon.

Finishing the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health and big success in work and solution of set objectives to the participants.