Ï Turkmen leader pays tribute to the memory of the first President of the country

Turkmen leader pays tribute to the memory of the first President of the country

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After flower laying ceremony to the monument of Halk Hakydasy Memorial Complex and memorial meal, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the place where the sculpture of the first President of Turkmenistan S. A. Niyazov is located. The Head of the State, Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers, members of the Government, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, Hyakim of Ashgabat, the Mufti of Turkmenistan paid tribute to the memory of the first President of the country. The flower were laid to the monument and “ayat tovir” prayer were said. Highlighting grandiose activity of S. A. Niyazov for protection of sovereignty of the country and recognition of Turkmenistan in the world arena, the Head of the State noted that this activity shall not be forgotten.

This is another evidence of deserved continuation of humanistic traditions, which have universal significance, in current age. This work would be continued according to primordial noble principles of our nation, the President of the country highlighted.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and participants of the ceremony had a walk around park complex, during which the Head of the State requested to hold the subject of development of the capital’s parks, creation of all conditions under strict control. Improvement of ecological level of urban environment is an important time requirement, the Head of the State said.

During the walk, the Head of the State continued conversation about the principles of humanity, having noted that the 80th birth anniversary of the first President of Turkmenistan would be observed in 2020. Following noble tradition of our nation, it is necessary to organize relative commemorative ceremony for the past Saparmurat Turkmenbashy as a sign of respect and honour of the first President of Turkmenistan, which would also be a deserving demonstration of human traditions.

The Mufti of Turkmenistan informed that donations are coming from the citizens from different parts of the country in the last years. The Head of the State highlighted that these donations have to be used for the needs of mosques and construction of new mosques.