Ï President of Turkmenistan congratulates RF President on his birthday

President of Turkmenistan congratulates RF President on his birthday

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President of Turkmenistan Gurbanuly Berdimuhamedov had a telephone conversation with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Cordially greeting each other, the leaders of the two states expressed satisfaction with the irrevocably friendly, constructive and confident character of the interstate relations.

The President of Turkmenistan congratulated his Russian colleague on his birthday and wished him good health, happiness and prosperity, as well as new achievements in all the endeavors in the name of the people of the friendly country.

The President of Turkmenistan underlined that the constructive relations, based on the principles of good neighbourliness and mutual understanding had gained more dynamic character, they were distinguished by equality and transparency. The President of Turkmenistan emphasized that the Russian leader’s support played an important role in the successful cooperation.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanuly Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin exchanged views on the priority issues of the Turkmen-Russian partnership, focusing on the impressive diversified potential that meets the mutual interests.

The joint Intergovernmental Turkmen-Russian commission on economic cooperation aimed at promoting the mutually beneficial trade and economic relations, enhancing business and investment activity, developing new promising areas of cooperation plays a significant role.

The close relations between Turkmenistan and the largest regions and subjects of the Russian Federation vividly exemplify the successful bilateral cooperation. The energy sector, the sphere of transport and a number of other industries are among the key vectors of cooperation.

The humanitarian dialogue with its profound experience of joint work and fruitful relations in the spheres of education, science and culture stands as a crucial part of the interstate relations. It was underlined the aspiration of the two states to further strengthen the political, economic and cultural relations between Russia and Turkmenistan.

During the telephone conversation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Vladimir Putin focused on the agenda of the forthcoming session of the Council of Heads of the CIS member states that will be held in Ashgabat this week under the chairmanship of Turkmenistan, emphasizing the importance of the summit for the further efficient cooperation within the CIS.

Exchanging views on a number of important issues of the regional and global agenda, the leaders of the two states expressed the willingness to strengthen constructive partnership within the UN and other authoritative international organizations.

In conclusion, expressing belief in the further development of the traditional Turkmen-Russian relations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President Vladimir Putin exchanged the best wishes to each other and the peoples of the two states.