Ï President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addresses greetings to the participants of international tourism forum

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addresses greetings to the participants of international tourism forum

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Let me extend my congratulations on the start of work of International tourism exhibition and Conference “Tourism and travel”, which are held in Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to participants of big review in Avaza says.

This international event plays a big role in development of tourism, improvement of international authority of the country, expansion of modern format of partnership with the world countries in this direction.

Large-scale activity for development of tourism sphere visually demonstrates the commitment of our state to principles of friendship, fraternity, humanity and goodwill, - the message notes.

Big work for formation of modern national tourism industry, enhancement f its legal, economic and social base is carried out in the country.

Reforms in tourism sphere, expansion of geography of travelling, introduction of new tourism directions such as ecological, recreational, sport and equestrian tourism, continuation of work for creation of modern and comfort conditions for holidays became a priority in development of national tourism industry. Popularization of history, culture, traditions and unique nature of Turkmenistan are important aspects of work of personnel of this sphere.

International forum on beautiful Caspian coast will also support the introduction to historical and cultural monuments, national heritage, traditions of peoples of Turkmenistan and other countries participating in the event, strengthening of existing and formation of new partnership with representatives of the world travel industry, - the message highlights.

High authority of independent neutral Turkmenistan in the world is provided not only by its economic potential but also by historical and cultural values of our nation. Rich flora and fauna, unique national heritage, numerous archaeological monuments, precious sample of medieval architecture – all of these allow our country enhancing its position in the world tourism industry.

Historical monuments of Ancient Merv, Nisa and Kunyaurgench, which are listed in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List, Karakum Desert, Koytendag raise increased interest of tourists.

The Epic of Gyorogly, which is included to the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List, traditions and customs of Nowruz celebration, kushtdepdy singing and dancing art are very important in introduction of national values of Turkmen nation to guests and tourists coming to our country.

Formation of modern tourism infrastructure in Turkmenistan is one of the key factors for expansion of international cooperation, attraction of innovative technologies and integrated modernization of national economy.

Formation of modern marketing relations, introduction of digital system and efficient organizational solutions, attraction of investments as well as expansion of long-term partnership in this sphere open wide perspectives for development of tourism, - the message of the President says.