Ï Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza

Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza

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Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
Current trends of tourism development are presented at international exhibition in Avaza
International exhibition “Tourism and travel” with thematic conference has started its work Avaza National tourist zone. Annual forum of Caspian coast has brought together representatives of leading Turkmen and around 70 foreign companies specialized in this sphere including from Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Poland, Turkey, Canada, India, United Arab Emirates, China and other world countries.

The main objectives of the forum in Avaza art to popularize historical and cultural monuments, spiritual and tangible heritage, traditions and customs of our nation and countries participating in the event, to strengthen available and to establish new partnership with representatives of the world tourism industry.

Opening of the exhibition, which was held in Seyrana Hotel, was forestalled by music performance of folk collectives.

The exposition presented wide spectrum of modern tourist services provided in different countries, advanced technologies and digital systems, which are used today in sanatorium and resort sphere, hotel business and related directions.

Representatives of the ministries of culture, sports and youth affairs, trade and foreign economic affairs, health protection and medical industry, industry and communication took part from our country in the review, which has become an important ground for exchange of practice, discussion of new proposals on development of cooperation.

Turkmendemiryollary, Turkmenaragatnasyk, Turkmenawtoulaglary, Turkmenhowayollary, Тurkmendenizderyayollary agencies, the Institute of History and Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences, Turkmen State Institute of Cultrue, Trade and Industry Chamber, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Joint Stock Commercial Rysgal Bank, tourist companies from velayats and Ashgabat, dozens of profile companies, hotels from Avaza were among the exhibitors.

The exhibition introduce unique tourist potential of Turkmenistan and its regions, gives information on modern trends of travel and hospitality industry, organization of various holidays as well as on educational and ethnographic activity.

Huge capabilities of our country in this sphere are based on rich historical and cultural heritage, variety of natural attractions and unique recreational resources.

Opening of the conference, under which the participants has been introduced with strategy of innovative development of tourist complex as well as large-scale works in Turkmenistan related to this sphere, took place in the afternoon.

Increment of number of tourists and desire of big specialized companies to improve cooperation are the evidence of growing interest to our country in the world.

Our guests are attracted by the meeting with one of outstanding but yet not completely revealed mystery of the Oriental civilizations – the Country of Margush, which is famous with its unique monuments and sensational discoveries of archaeologists. Tours to the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Ancient Merv leave unforgettable impression among the tourists.

Magnificent ruins of ancient strongholds of Erk-gala and Gyaur-gala, Small and Big Gyz-gala impressing with its unusual forms, grandiose Sultan Sanjar Mausoleum inspire an awe of the history of these places. In 1999, the complex of monuments of Ancient Merv was included to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

True pearls of medieval architecture like Kutlug-Timur Minaret, which is one of the highest in Central Asia, mausoleums of Sultan Al-ad-din Tekesh, Turabek Khanum, Nedjemeddin Kubra, Il Arslan, Piryar veli, Seyit Ahmet are distinguished by high level of perfection of techniques and demonstrate continuity of thousand-year tradition of national architecture.

Old Nisa occupies special place among ancient settlements, which raise attention of archaeologists and tourists. Parthia was one of the most powerful states, which was established by Turkmens for their long history, and lasted for six centuries.

Familiarization with the capital, which undergoes colossal changes, is one of the main points for all travellers who arrive in Turkmenistan. It has many architectural attractions.

Tourists, who visited many states, saw famous cities, are impressed with modern urban landscape and say that Ashgabat charms with its unique fascination and conquers with tis cordiality and hospitality of people.

Avaza National tourist zone is another pearl of Turkmenistan .It is included in many tourist guides and represented in bright booklets of tourist agencies of the world by luxury hotels, highways, parks, amphitheatres and fountains. Yachts, boats, crafts and catamarans, jet skies, surfing, diving and water parachutes are only a part of what the resort offers to lover of active leisure.

The infrastructure of Avaza grows and is improved fast. This is a free economic zone, which is oriented to the development of tourism industry.

National and foreign companies, investors who funds the construction of resort, social and economic facilities, hotel business, service sphere, have the best conditions for realization of any projects. In addition, the place hosts big international forums of different levels.

In general, International Tourism and travel exhibition and profile conference introduce the achievements of Turkmenistan in this sphere, various approaches to development of this segment as well as practice of advanced companies and supports activation of international partnership.