Ï “Maryazot” Association starts production of caustic soda

“Maryazot” Association starts production of caustic soda

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Production of liquid caustic soda, which is on high demand, has been arranged at “Maryazot” Production Association of the State Concern Turkmenhimiya. sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) has wide range of application. It is used as a catalyst of chemical reactions, for production of viscose silk and bleaching of fabrics in textile industry as well as in production of domestic chemicals, in medicine and pharmacy, in municipal services for production and treatment of water as well as for removal of combined stains from different mechanisms, details and accessories.

Specialists of the facility have developed and built industrial unit, which use local raw materials, for production of the caustic soda. Production specialists and personnel of Chemistry and technology of natural and hydromineral materials laboratory of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan have introduced temporary technical guideline for production of liquid caustic.

Scientists have tested calcareous method of production of sodium hydroxide solution. The chemical produced at “Maryazot” Production Association fully meet the requirements of TDS-2263-79 standards and will be used in chemical and petroleum industry of the country.