Ï Medal for the merits of the President of Turkmenistan in the development of humanitarian cooperation of the CIS

Medal for the merits of the President of Turkmenistan in the development of humanitarian cooperation of the CIS

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The solemn ceremony of awarding President of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with the medal “For Merits in the Development of Humanitarian Cooperation” of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States (IFES) took place upon completion of the meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State.

Chairman of the Executive Committee - Executive Secretary of the CIS Sergey Lebedev invited Chairman of the Board of the IFES, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Russian Federation Polad Bulbul oglu and the co-chair of the Board, the Russian President's Special Representative for International Cultural Cooperation, Mikhail Shvydkoi to present this award.

To the applause of all those present, they presented an honorary award to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Expressing sincere gratitude to the Board of the Fund for the decision to award this high award, the President of Turkmenistan noted that he regarded this event, first of all, as a sign of respect for Turkmenistan and its people, recognition of the merits of our country in strengthening the interaction of CIS countries in the cultural and humanitarian sphere.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized, the development of international cooperation in this area was one of the priorities of the state policy of Turkmenistan. “We believe that under the present conditions, it is the culture that will become a bridge uniting countries and peoples”, the President of Turkmenistan said. Peace through culture - this is how Turkmenistan formulates its credo in building up a humanitarian dialogue with other countries.

Highly evaluating the activities of the CIS Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation, the President of Turkmenistan noted that today the IFES had fulfilled an important mission to organize large-scale joint events, effectively facilitated contacts between cultural and scientific figures of the Commonwealth countries, and initiated various creative contests and festivals. “This work deserves the greatest respect and gratitude”, the President said, addressing the words of gratitude to the management and employees of the Fund for their work.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov confirmed the intention of Turkmenistan to continue to closely cooperate with the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS, to provide it with all possible support and assistance, and wished the leadership of the IFES great successes in this important and responsible work.