Ï The President of Turkmenistan has a meeting with his Belarusian colleague

The President of Turkmenistan has a meeting with his Belarusian colleague

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a meeting with President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko who arrived in Turkmen capital for participation in the session of the Council of the CIS Heads of the States.

Having exchanged the greetings, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Alexander Lukashenko expressed satisfaction with an opportunity to discuss priority directions of interstate dialog, which is based on the principles of constructiveness and beneficial partnership.

Having highlighted high level of Turkmen – Belarusian relations, the leader of two countries stated steadfast dynamics of cooperation, which is successfully developed both in bilateral and multilateral formats under competent international organizations and structures including the CIS. Having expressed gratitude for cordial welcome and hospitality in Turkmen land, President Alexander Lukashenko confirmed commitment of the Republic of Belarus to the course toward wide cooperation with Turkmenistan. It was mentioned that practice of efficient joint work under the Commonwealth of Independent States where Turkmen side made specific proposals for expansion of productive contacts in different spheres is exemplary.

Continuing the meeting, the Heads of Turkmenistan and Belarus discussed current condition and the main objectives of Turkmen – Belarusian cooperation. At the same time, the presence of big multidimensional potential in trade and economic sphere, in which involvement big role is given to Joint Intergovernmental Commission, has been noted. Orientation of both countries to innovative development provides favourable opportunities for expansion and diversification of beneficial long-term partnership and entry to new perspective projects.

At the same time, the importance of traditional dialog in humanitarian sphere, which has established fruitful contacts in educational, scientific and cultural spheres, has been emphasized. There are good perspectives for activation of cooperation and exchange of practice in the spheres of sports and tourism. In this regard, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Alexander Lukashenko spoke for further stimulation of cooperation in these directions, which would support strengthening of ties of friendship between two countries and nations.

Having stated with delight the similarity and convergence of the sides in current objectives of regional and global issues, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Alexander Lukashenko also confirmed the commitment of both countries to continue constructive cooperation in international arena.

In the end of the meeting, having expressed confidence that interstate relations would be developed successfully, the heads of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Belarus exchanged best wishes addressed to each other and peoples of both countries.