Ï Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry

Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry

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Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry
Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry
Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry
Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry
Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry
Outcomes of the Ashgabat Summit of the CIS Heads of the States are subject of briefing at the Foreign Ministry
On October 12, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted a briefing dedicated to the outcomes of the Ashgabat session of the Council of the CIS Heads of the States.

Heads of diplomatic missions and representative offices of international organizations accredited in our country as well as representatives of national and foreign mass media took part in the event organized by the Foreign Ministry of Turkmenistan.

Speaking at the briefing, Vice-premier, Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov noted that sessions of all statutory bodies of the Commonwealth as well as meetings of profile specialists of different structures of the CIS have been held in Ashgabat throughout the year under the chairing of the country in the CIS. It was highlighted that all event held under the chairing of Turkmenistan in the Commonwealth of Independent States were held on high level and marked with important decisions, which have outlined the main vectors of steadfast cooperation in the CIS.

Speaking of the outcomes of the session of the Council of the CIS Heads of the States, the Foreign Minister has focused on the importance of signing of the Declaration on Strategic Economic Partnership of the Commonwealth states, which development has been initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in Sochi in October 2017.

Rashid Meredov called the Address of the Heads of the CIS Member States to the peoples of the Commonwealth states and the world community on occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in 1941 – 1945 Great Patriotic War as very important.

The attention of the participants have been focused on conceptual initiatives proposed by the President of Turkmenistan at the Summit of the CIS Heads of the States on economic integration and strengthening of positions of the CIS in global economy, activation of dialog in solution of Afghan problems, humanitarian sphere, study and popularization of historical and cultural heritage and other aspects of cooperation.

Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Turkmenistan Vyacheslav Beskosty highlighted in his speech at the briefing that constructive exchange of the visions of current objectives of cooperation and definition of priority directions of collaboration has been held at the Summit of the Council of the CIS Heads of the State chaired by President of Turkmenistan as well as at the meeting of the CIS States foreign ministers in Ashgabat.

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Turkmenistan Alexander Blokhin noted that vectors of steadfast development of the CIS, which were outlined in programme speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the Summit, meet the interests of the Commonwealth countries and goals of multilateral integration.

Importance of the Joint Statement on cooperation in provision of international informational security signed by the Presidents of Turkmenistan and Russia has also been highlighted.

Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan Erkebulan Sapiyev has focused on the importance of the Ashgabat Summit, which opens new stage of the CIS activity in the context of modern realities and global tendencies. The head of diplomatic mission of Kazakhstan noted a high level of the chairing of Turkmenistan in the CIS and an excellent organization of all events under its framework.

Ambassador of the Republic of Uzbekistan Akmaljon Kuchkarov highlighted in his speech that Uzbekistan, which takes the baton of chairing in the CIS in 2020, highly appreciates the efforts of Turkmen leader for activation of political and legal, trade, economic and humanitarian integration of the CIS countries, enhancement of the role of the Commonwealth in global processes and on the platform of competent international organizations.

In general, great attention has been paid in the speeches at the briefing to the Declaration on Strategic Economic Partnership of the CIS states, which has been initiated by the President of Turkmenistan and is aimed at the improvement of the role of the CIS countries due to their geopolitical and geo-economic advantages in trade and economic partnership between the East and West, Asia and Europe, at turning of the Commonwealth into effective centre of trade, economic, transport, logistic and energy cooperation in Eurasia.


It was mentioned at conferences and sessions, which have taken place in number of ministries and public organizations of our country, that the Ashgabat Declaration adopted by the initiative of the Head of the State is a visual evidence that Turkmen side occupies an active position in the strengthening and development of beneficial cooperation in the Commonwealth.