Ï The President of Turkmenistan holds working video conference session

The President of Turkmenistan holds working video conference session

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with participation of some Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers. Heads of ministries and profile departments, hyakims of the velayats and Ashgabat.

The agenda included objectives of realization of the programmes of social and economic development of the regions and country in general, course of works in agricultural complex and preparation to coming celebration events.

First, the Head of the State called Hyakim of Ashgabat Sh. Durdiliyev who reported on the situation in the capital, measures for its further development, rates of construction of different facilities and preparation to winter season.

With regard to coming winter season, the Head of the State ordered the Head of the capital’s administration to hold the provision of uninterrupted operation of heating systems in residential buildings, schools, kindergartens, urban engineering and technical systems, coordinated work of municipal services under strict control.

Speaking of coming events and celebrations, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave specific assignments for provision of high-organizational level of the activities timed to these events.

After, the President called Hyakim of Ahal Velayat S. Berdimuhamedov who reported on the situation in the region, course of important agricultural campaigns – the winter crop sowing and cotton harvesting. At the same time, information about the measures for steadfast implementation of National rural programme in the velayat and preparation to winter season and celebration dates has been presented.

Having focused on the main objectives of agricultural complex in the region, the Head of the state highlighted the importance of organized seasonal agricultural works according to agrotechnical standards and time requirements in order to make a reliable base for future yield of wheat and to collect all cotton, which has been grown by the farmers, from the fields.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also noted the importance to hold further modernization of social and living infrastructure of the velayat, construction of facilities, which are built under National rural programme, under control.

Regarding winter season, the President highlighted that it is necessary to take care of relative maintenance work and provision of proper operational conditions of heating systems of living buildings, schools and kindergartens, having given relative assignments.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov who reported on seasonal agricultural works as well as on the situation at the construction sites of the region and measures for improvement of social and living conditions of the population.

Having focused attention of the Head of regional administration on increment of rates of wheat sowing and cotton harvesting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the necessity of efficient use of modern agricultural equipment.

Having highlighted priority directions of social and economic development of the region, the Head of the State gave specific instructions on timely commission of new facilities, provision of uninterrupted operation of engineering and technical systems as well as preparation to coming national holidays.

Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov reported on the subjects of agenda of the session. The Hyakim reported on the rates of the winter crop sowing and cotton harvest campaign, implementation of National rural programme in the region, under which construction of different facilities is carried out.

The President has focused the attention of the Hyakim on importance of qualitative wheat sowing and completion of cotton harvest campaign in timely manner as well as ordered to hold solution of objectives for improvement of social and living infrastructure under control. At the same time, the Head of the State gave relative assignments to the hyakim on provision of proper organizational level of celebration events.

Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahaliyev made report on the situation in the region, measures for qualitative and organized winter crop sowing and cotton harvest campaigns, implementation of National rural programme.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold under control all issues related to the wheat sowing and uninterrupted work of cotton harvest conveyor, reception and processing facilities.

Having expressed the interest in the situation at construction sites of the velayat, the President gave instructions for provision of high quality of new facilities and their timely commissioning.

In his turn, Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev reported on the situation in the region, course of important agricultural campaigns, works for implementation of adopted programmes, which are aimed at improvement of level and quality of life of the people.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State highlighted the importance of successful winter crop sowing and cotton harvest campaigns, provision of coordinated activity of profile structures, creation of proper conditions for people working in the fields.

The President gave instructions to the Head of the regional administration on enhancement of potential of production sector of agricultural complex and social and economic development of the region in general.

Having noted the necessity to keep up rates of work at the construction sites in the velayat, the Head of the State has also ordered to take proper measures for preparation of heating systems to coming winter season.

After, the President made video conference call to Minister of Agriculture and Natural Protection M. Bayramdurdiyev who is currently on working trip to Mary Velayat. The Minister informed about the course of important seasonal works, which are continued in agro industrial complex of the country.

It was mentioned that sowing of winter crops is carried out according to agrotechnical standards and good yield of cotton has been produced. It was highlighted that following dynamic rates of the harvest campaign, it can be stated that contractual obligations for production of raw cotton would be fulfilled by the Harvest holiday.

In addition, the report of the Minister included information about harvesting of rice, which has been grown in Dashoguz and Lebap Velayats, as well as on beetroot, which was produced in Balkan and Mary Velayats.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State ordered to continue putting maximum efforts for fulfilment of set objectives. The head of the State highlighted that timely settlement of payments with farmers for delivered production remains an important requirement.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Minister E. Orazgeldieyv who is currently on working trip to Lebap Velayat. Informing on seasonal agricultural works, the Vice-premier reported on the measures for increment of rates of the winter crop sowing and cotton harvesting as well as other relative activities.

In particular, it was informed about the measures for efficient involvement of agricultural equipment in the sowing campaign, provision of tenants with necessary seeding material and on vegetation irrigation of the fields under wheat.

It was also reported on the situation in using of cotton harvesters, provision of uninterrupted operation of cotton processing and reception facilities, vehicles for transportation of cotton. It was mentioned that payments with farmers for produced crops are made on time.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of the cotton harvest and wheat sowing on high level and in designated period.

Next, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov who reported on preparation to events timed to the Day of Industrial Personnel, which is observed on the third Sunday of October, on the 20th of this month.

It was informed about International Exhibition and Scientific Conference “The Main Directions of Development of Industrial Branches of Turkmenistan” with participation of famous foreign companies from different countries on October 15 – 16.

Profile ministries and departments of transport, communication and industrial sectors, dozens of local companies – representatives of private sector, will demonstrate their capabilities and perspectives, high quality of production and variety of services.

Celebration concert with participation of art masters of the country as well as honouring ceremony of the best personnel of the above-mentioned spheres will take place in the Ashgabat Song and Music Centre.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that international forum is to demonstrate the achievements and perspectives of development of communication and industrial branches of the country, having become a platform for dialog between national and foreign partners, promotion of joint projects, exchange of practice in use of latest development in this field.

In this context, the Head of the State ordered to take integrated measures for high organizational level of all planned events, having addressed the Vice-premier with relative assignments.

Continuing the session, the President called Chairman of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency D. Saburov who reported on works in the spheres under his supervision as well as on the results of monitoring conducted by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

It was informed that by the results of inspections, Ashgabat International Airport was recognized as exemplary complex in all relations in transport section of Turkmenistan, which has big reserves for provision of growing volumes of passenger and cargo traffic.

Turkmenistan fulfils all undertaken obligations for international conventions regulating activity in the sphere of civil aviation, strictly follows international standards on safety of flights, airports, aircrafts, manning of flight crews and ground personnel.

Information about cooperation with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is specialized agency of the United Nations, has been presented. Together with specialists of the Organization, the work for all components of airport management and air traffic control is continued. Meetings and consultations on advanced world practice of application of standards of aviation safety, implementation of modern technologies are carried out on planned base.

The Head of the Agency informed that experts of the EASA gave good appraisal to the work in the country for provision of flights safety of Turkmenistan airlines, provision of airports of the country. In addition to domestic flights, aircrafts of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency make regular flights to different foreign cities increasing the number of destinations.

In service sphere, Ashgabat International Airport is planning to compete deservingly with recognized world leaders due to implementation of new technologies to development of infrastructure of air navigation and improvement of quality of passenger service. It is able to receive aircrafts of any type and cargo capacity providing the service on the level of international standards.

Work of passport control, customs and migration services is arranged according to modern requirements. Integrated approach to provision of all criteria of safety and regulation in the system of organization and management of ground movement of aircrafts according to high international standards is organized.

Cargo transportation and modernization of their ground provision are one of the main directions of activity of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency. Availability of own production base allows engineering service of Turkmen airlines making labour-intensive technical service, maintenance and overhaul repair of Boeing passenger aircrafts of national fleet as well as to provide services for aircrafts of foreign companies.

Air traffic control is vitally important element of safe flights. Powerful automatic monitoring system of meteorological conditions provides full control of the aircraft flight in the area of operational responsibility of the airport. Big attention is paid to training flight personnel.

Continuing the report, D. Saburov informed that the monitoring by the EASA experts confirmed the compliance of Ashgabat International Airport with world standards of aviation safety, which allows expanding multidimensional cooperation of Turkmenistan with other states and international organizations in the civil aviation sphere.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that positive results of inspections of relative services and Ashgabat International Airport by the EASA experts in provision of flight safety indicate high level and quality of work of national aviation, which allows opening flights in European directions.

Taking into account that Türkmenhowaýollary is self-supporting organization, the Head of the State ordered Vice-premier B. Ovezov to study the subject of arrangement of flights with the countries of European Union. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the most popular directions and, following market prices and having thought all coming expenses and revenue.

Having ordered to study the flights to European countries within two months, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered the Chairman of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency to prepare relative plan. At the same time, the focus was made on making of comfortable conditions for passengers.

Construction of modern airports, which provide entire complex of services to passengers and air carriers and runways, which are able to receive any aircrafts, is a part of overall strategy for creation of developed air transport infrastructure, provision of civil aviation with latest equipment and aircrafts for flight safety and reliability, the Head of the State highlighted.

The fleet of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency is formed by the aircrafts and helicopters of the latest generation from the leading world manufacturers. At present time, national aircrafts make regular flights to different cities of the world.

Having highlighted that Turkmen aviators would be able to expand the geography of regular international flights and increase number of flights on existing routes, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the Vice-president with number of specific assignments related to provision of flight safety and improvement of level of passenger services until high international standards.

After, the President called Deputy Chairman Ch. Purchekov who reported on the preparation heating systems of living houses, schools and kindergartens to winter season. Relative service works have been performed at social facilities according to planned programme for these purposes. Modernization of number of facilities at power stations of the country has been made.

The President noted that it is necessary to pay close attention to modernization of profile infrastructure, engineering and technical systems, in particular their preparation to winter season, and to improvement of social and living conditions of the population in general.

The Head of the State has focused on the importance of timely rehabilitation and repair works at the power stations, having ordered the Vice-premier to implement progressive forms and methods of management.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov was called to the video conference session. The Vice-premier reported on the implementation of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry of the country until 2030, including on fulfilment of assignments on modernization of equipment and facility base of the industry, enhancement of beneficial cooperation with foreign partners.

In particular, information about measures for improvement of efficiency of work of production structures of fuel and energy complex has been presented. In this regard, draft Resolution on provision of spare parts and equipment to the State Concern Türkmennebit has been presented to the President for review.

As it was mentioned, it would support steadfast improvement of activity of profile structures of fuel and energy complex, their modernization and expansion of production indicators.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of improvement of efficiency of drilling and overhaul works at the wells as well as increment of oil production by attraction of foreign companies specialized in this sphere.

The Head of the State gave instructions on further increment of production of liquefied gas and basin petroleum products, strengthening of resource base of the industry by search and exploration of new hydrocarbon deposits.

The President of Turkmenistan has signed presented document, having instructed to provide control of its fulfilment.

Finishing video conference working session, Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in fulfilment of set objectives to all participants.