Ï Patents on eco-novation of Turkmen chemists

Patents on eco-novation of Turkmen chemists

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The State Intellectual Property Service of the Ministry of Economy and Finances of Turkmenistan issued patents on number of inventions presented by personnel of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

For six years, the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan carry out researches in cooperation with the State Concerns Turkmenhimiya, Turkmengaz, Turkmenneft, State Corporation Turkmengeologiya, ministries of industry and communication, agriculture and natural protection and other organizations and private entities on contractual mase.

As a result, it gained an experience of commercialization of scientific proposals. The focus in the proposals is made on implementation of economically effective technologies related with use of local raw material, innovative solutions and making of competitive production in the word markets.

Quality fuel from associated product

Method of using of pyrolysis gasoline during production of A-95 gasoline at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex has been entered to the Unified State Register. This method was developed by personnel of Chemical Production Technologies Department of the Institute together with specialists of the refinery. Therefore, associated product, which is received during production of polyethylene and polypropylene at the plant in Kiyanly turns into quality fuel.

Shoe polish from waste product

Turkemnabat Chemical Plant has commissioned experimental unit for production of shoe polish with water resistance effect. Output capacity of the unit is 1,000 kg per day. Specialists of facility and scientists of the Institute of Chemistry developed technology of receiving new product from the wastes of oil refinery and carbon produced by the plant in Hazar.

Turkmen salt “Extra”

Technology of production of table salt “Extra” – the product meeting highest standards of food industry, has been developed. Refined salt is made using special technological methods of material washing in distilled water. It allows removing additives from the brine and to provide 100 percent content of the main product – NaCl sodium chloride. Due to deep level of purification of the brine, content of additional components is table salt is reduced by 50 – 70 times comparing with original content.

Mineral absorbing ammonia

Water steam, which is used for conversion of methane during ammonia production at Maryazot Plant, is purified by zeolite now. Scientists of the Institute of Chemistry proposed using the ability of mineral to absorb ammonia, which is contained in water steam. It will allow bringing purified steam back to production process, reducing energy cost as well as minimizing harmful environmental impact.