Ï Aspects of strategic economic cooperation of the CIS countries are discussed in Minsk

Aspects of strategic economic cooperation of the CIS countries are discussed in Minsk

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Outcomes of recent Ashgabat Summit of the Heads of the States of the Commonwealth of Independent States and objectives of the CIS Executive Committee for implementation of adopted documents were the subjects of the session of the Council of permanent authorized representatives of the Commonwealth member states under its statutory and other bodies, which was chaired by Turkmenistan, in Minsk on October 16.

It was highlighted that the Declaration on Strategic Economic Cooperation of the Commonwealth of Independent States Members, which was initiated and developed by the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, was the main final document of the session.

The document highlights that strong union of equal partners, which represents an important component of stable economic growth in Eurasia, is a base of economic collaboration of the CIS member states. This union is a long-term and perspective economic partner for European and Asian countries, big energy, transport and transit hub of continental significance.

In this context, special attention is paid to the following goals of cooperation outlined in the Ashgabat declaration:

Further strengthening of the fundamental of the Commonwealth, its integration as well as integration of each CIS member states into the world economic relations as a space where big transport and energy projects are implemented, modern infrastructure, communication, international transport corridors, regional and global logistic centres are established;

Significance enhancement of economic potential of the Commonwealth, on the basis of which efficient development and stable economic growth of each member of the CIS providing the reduction of poverty, solution of unemployment issues will be provided;

Enhancement of international authority of the CIS, strengthening of the complementarity and efficient use of economic potential of the CIS member states for the sake of their nations.

Participants of current session in Minsk focused on the objectives of strategic economic cooperation according to the Declaration, which determined the following:

Enhancement of the influence of the CIS and CIS member states on the world economic processes by initiation of joint global and regional investment projects and programmes of development of economic territories;

Establishment of effective mechanisms of partnership based on economic interest of the CIS member states and third countries and/or competent international organizations for achievement of the UN 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development;

Improvement of competiveness of the CIS member states by wide implementation of innovations and nanotechnologies, integrated use of available natural and economic resources, consolidation of efforts for support of small and medium business, expansion of the forms of cooperation and provision of support of partnership under the world economic system;

Gradual integration to the world transport system and further development of national infrastructures of the CIS members states along international transport corridors, connecting routes and hubs on the East – West and North – South directions;

Consolidation of geographic and infrastructural capabilities, technical, technological and transit potentials of the CIS member states;

Provision and improvement of financial stability in the Commonwealth;

Counteraction of corruption, legalization of criminal incomes and financial support of terrorism, other challenges and threats for strengthening of economic stability including on global level, provision of international security;

Achievement of maximum efficiency in joint solution of problems caused by the globalization, use of its advantages for strengthening of positions of the Commonwealth and the CIS member states in international financial and commodity markets;

Provision of efficient dialog platform on all levels for implementation of listed objectives for development of relative international documents under the CIS and improvement of it authority and positions in international capital markets.

Preparation to the next session of the Council of the Heads of the Governments of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which is planned to be held in Moscow in the third decade of December, has also been reviewed at the session.