Ï Priority vectors of work are outlined at the session of the Government of Turkmenistan

Priority vectors of work are outlined at the session of the Government of Turkmenistan

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held regular video conference session of the Cabinet of Ministers where current subjects of the state life have been reviewed.

Opening the session, the Head of the State gave floor to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Minister R. Meredov who reported on the preparation to working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Japan on October 21 – 23.

It was mentioned that big attention is paid to the cooperation with Asian Pacific countries in the context of realization of foreign strategy, including japan, diplomatic relations with which have been established on April 22, 1992.

Significant regulatory and legal framework, which includes number of interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents, is a reliable base of bilateral partnership.

Important role in development of Turkmen – Japanese relations is given to the contact of the highest level. Official and working visits of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan in 2009, 2013 and 2015 were important events in the history of interstate dialog.

Prime Minister of Japan Sinzo Abe has paid an official visit to our country in October 2015. Number of bilateral documents has been signed by the outcomes of the meetings and talks under the visits.

Steadfast relations are supported on the level of the governments and foreign departments of two countries. Contacts between parliaments have also acquired systematic character. Turkmen – Japanese cooperation is successfully developed on regional level including in the format of Central Asia – Japan Dialog.

In the context of bilateral trade and economic relations it is worth to mention that the Country of Raising Sun is one of the main investment partner of Turkmenistan. At present time, joint long-term projects are implemented.

In this regard, activity of Turkmen – Japanese and Japanese – Turkmen economic committees is very important. Interstate humanitarian contacts in education and science, culture and art, sport and tourism have also steadfast character.

It was reported that relative Programme of coming visit of the government delegation chaired by the President to Japan, during which signing of number of documents is planned, has been developed.

Continuing report, the Vice-premier, Head of the Foreign Ministry has also informed about preparation to working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Azerbaijan for participation in the XVIII Summit of Non-alignment Movement in Baku.

In this regard, it was mentioned that development of multidimensional partnership under competent international organizations is one of the key directions of foreign course of our neutral state. It includes the Non-alignment movement, which unites the countries of the world on the principles of non-participation in military and political blocks and consolidation of efforts for provision of universal security and prosperity.

Therefore, participation of the Head of the State in the Summit in Baku will be another demonstration of initiative position of Turkmenistan in solution of current problems of modern day, formation of balanced approaches to definition of the most effective formats of international partnership taking into account national interests and priorities of global development.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State stated with delight that traditionally friendly Turkmen – Japanese relations are visual evidence of equal beneficial partnership, which is based on invariable goodwill of the sides and aimed at achievement of specific results.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that recently, interstate dialog, which has trustful and constructive character, has entered new level and is successfully developed both in bilateral format and also under competent regional and international organizations and structures.

It was highlighted that Turkmenistan and Japan confirm by practice mutual intent to intensify productive cooperation in wide range of directions on long-term basis. This is indicated by efficient activity of the world famous Japanese companies in Turkmen market, their participation in implementation of big infrastructural projects in the context of the course of our country to industrialization and diversification of national economy.

At the same time, fruitful interstate humanitarian relations including in scientific and educational sphere, where special attention is paid to training of qualified personnel, are activated every year. Cooperation in cultural sphere is also enriched.

Having highlighted that Turkmenistan sees Japan as reliable and strategic partner, the Head of the State ordered to provide high organizational level of coming visit, which is to become an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations.

Speaking of the XVIII Summit of Non-alignment Movement, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that steadily implementing policy of peace-loving, goodwill and positive neutrality, our country makes significant input to development of constructive dialog in regional and global scale in the interests of common prosperity and progress.

This is visually indicated by number of creative initiatives of Turkmen side, which were recognized and supported by the world community.

Speaking of the importance of coming Summit for development of solutions of current issues of global agenda, the President highlighted that Turkmenistan adheres to the main principles of its neutral status, which are similar to the postulates of the Non-Alignment Movement.

In this regard, having signed relative documents and sent it to the Vice-premier, Foreign Ministers by electronic document management system, the Head of the State addressed certain assignments on this account.

After, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Myradov reported on work in the structures under his supervision as well as on the outcomes of analysis of privatization of trade and service facilities. In this regard, draft Resolution was presented to the President of Turkmenistan.

Information about the measures for improvement of insurance activity has been presented. In particular, it was informed about the measures for expansion of the spectrum of provided services in this sphere and renewal of legal acts in accordance with requirements of international practice for further development of this direction.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that the world practice shows that insurance becomes a necessary elements of entire business mechanism during transit to market relations.

Having signed the Resolution on privatization of trade and service facilities, the President of Turkmenistan sent the document to the Vice-premier by electronic document management system and ordered to hold timely fulfilment of planned works under control.

After, the President has listened to the report of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov on preparation to the XXIV International conference and exhibition Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2019, which is planned to be held in Ashgabat on October 22 – 24.

The vent is organized by the State Concern Türkmennebit and Trade and Industrial Chamber. It expected that specialists from many countries including representatives of profile companies, structures, international organizations and mass media would take part in the forum.

The agenda of the conference will include wide spectrum of subjects of development of energy markets and perspective of cooperation with interested parties in this sphere, investment activity, such important sections of national fuel and energy complex as petrochemical and oil refining industry as well as other subjects.

Energy diplomacy of Turkmenistan, implementation of the projects of transnational pipelines will be subjects of constructive exchange of opinions. The Programme of the forum provides the activities for introduction of specification of gasoline production plant in Ahal Velayat to foreign members of the forum.

Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that while being one of the world energy powers, Turkmenistan stands for wide cooperation in oil and gas section on equal and beneficial base.

In this context, the Head of the State noted the importance of exhibition activity aimed at demonstration of colossal potential and achievements of national fuel and energy complex, strengthening of productive relations with foreign partners.

Annual profile reviews in the country are also interesting from active promotion of Turkmenistan’s initiatives on formation of modern global architecture of energy security point of view.

Speaking of this, the President ordered the Vice-premier to provide high organizational level of international forum, which is to become an important event in the aspect of constructive exchange of practice in implementation of advanced technologies and developments, to support attraction of investments, entry of new perspective joint projects.

Continuing the session, the Head of the state called Advisor of the President of Turkmenistan on oil and gas affairs Ya. Kakayev who also reported on the preparation to the XXIV International exhibition and conference Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2019.

Such forums open big opportunities for activation of beneficial cooperation with foreign partners for attraction of the best world practice and latest technologies to the industry, familiarization with modern trends of development of energy markets, the President said, having requested to continue an integrated work in this direction.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Purchekov reported on work for construction of automobile bridge across Amudarya River, having demonstrated the drawings of its location and infrastructural facilities.it was also reported on the course of construction of Turkmenbashy – Farab and Ashgabat – Dashoguz highways.

Having focused on the utmost objectives of the programme in the sphere of road construction, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted the importance of provision of high quality of modernization of existing and construction of new roads, their maintenance in ideal operational condition. All of these allow optimizing transport flows and increasing throughput capacity of road network taking into account growing number of vehicles, increasing level of their safety on the roads.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made special mention of the construction of automobile bridge in Lebap Velayat in the context of National Programme of improvement of social and living conditions of rural population.

Construction of this facility will significantly improve passenger traffic, increase traffic speed, will allow reducing the cost, will support the growth of volumes of cargo traffic for the economy of the region, will improve the travelling of the citizens.

In this regard, the President highlighted that it is necessary to orient to advanced technologies including the creation of relative modern infrastructure in modernization of the system of roads.

Having focused on the situation with the highways under construction, which would connect all velayats and provide quick access of transport cargo to the borders of neighbouring states, the President addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the activity of the structures under his supervision, in particular, in the sphere of trade and foreign economic relations. Measures for the government support of small and medium business, expansion of import substitutive and export oriented production facilities with involvement of the capabilities of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs were separate subjects of the report.

According to relative Programme, it is planned to open facilities in diferent spheres of industry and agriculture.

Summing up the report, the President noted growing role of entrepreneurship in import substitution sphere as well as in enhancement of export potential of the country, development of competitive industry, having highlighted the importance of support of investment projects in agricultural complex and saturation of local market with quality agricultural production. The Head of the State addressed the assignments on activation of foreign trade relations and search of new foreign channels of sale of the access of food production.

The Head of the State pointed out the importance of systematic study of the market situation and permanent analysis of demands of national consumers, implementation of advanced practice and innovative technologies into production of competitive commodities.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on the activity for reformation of scientific and educational sphere, health protection, sports and improvement of youth affairs.

In particular, the information that big sport complexes and stadiums meeting world standards are built in the capital and regions has been presented.

The President focused the attention of the Vice-premier on the objectives of digitization and improvement of information and communication technologies, having noted growing importance of this sector in the GDP of the country, its influence on level and quality of life of the population.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Abdiyeva reported on the preparation to the XIII International Book Fair and Exhibition and scientific conference of printing production “Book – Way to Cooperation and Development”, which would be held in Ashgabat on November 5 and 6.

It is expected that representatives of publishing and printing services and profile universities will take part in the forum. It is also planned to organize art meetings of Turkmen and foreign writers and poets with readers, round-table discussions and other events in the fields of the exhibition and fair.

Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pointed out the importance of high organizational level of International Book Fair and Exhibition and scientific conference of printing production “Book – Way to Cooperation and Development”

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on the situation in the structures of transport and industrial sectors under his supervision and on fulfilment of set objectives.

Having taken the course toward diversification and digitization of the economy, Turkmenistan takes specific measures for practical implementation of its perspective plans, Head of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having noted the importance of regional and international projects in transport and communication sphere.

At the same time, our country makes bet on advanced technologies of scientific and technical thought and innovative technologies, the President continued, having highlighted that implementation of the concept of digital economy is one of the key direction. In this context, the Vice-premier received certain assignments.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers reported on the outcomes of business trip to Balkan Velayat, which he made at the request of the Head of the State for inspection of the course of implementation of relative programmes for industrialization, transport logistic, construction and solution of social issues in the region.

Strengthening of economic power of Turkmenistan allows making large-scale changes. Implementation of National programme of regional development is an exemplary in this aspect, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

Today, western velayat has become a transit and transport hub of international significance, centre of representative forums, its role in business and cultural life of the country is growing. Special economic and tourist status of Turkmenbashy provides new large-scale objectives, which solution will make effect on the success of reforms.

Having pointed out the necessity to hold the works in the velayat under permanent control, the Head of the State also requested to provide high quality of construction of important facilities, which are built in the velayat.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on development of Draft Resolution on Approval of volumes of special land fund of agricultural purpose as well as on seasonal agricultural works in the velayats of the country.

Information about the work for implementation of decisions of the People’s Council has been presented. It was informed that special agricultural land fund has been established for growing of agricultural crops included the state order, from which land plots would be given for long-term leasing to private agricultural producers.

Collection of cotton is continued in the regions at present time. proper measures are taken for acceleration of the rates of the campaign, provision of uninterrupted work of cotton processing and reception facilities, harvesters and transport used for carrying of product.

At the same time, the sowing of winter crops is continued. Practical measures for completion of sowing campaign as per plan and according to agrotechnical standards as well as for coordinated work of agricultural equipment are taken.

Summing up the report, the President of Turkmenistan ordered to hold under control large-scale reforms in agricultural complex. It was highlighted that systematic measures taken under agrarian reform are to turn agricultural industry of the country into high profit sphere.

For these purposes, it is necessary to use new effective management methods, to expand the share of private sector in agricultural complex, to support successful tenants. In general, all of these will support the strengthening of national economy and improvement of wellbeing of the population.

Having focused on the utmost objectives for provision of collection of cotton on time and without any loss, the Head of the State addressed the Vice-premier with number of specific assignments.

Having signed presented document, which was sent to the deputy Chairman by the electronic document management system, the President of Turkmenistan ordered his to hold all relative subjects under control.

Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova informed about the activity of National Parliament for further improvement of legislation. It was informed that legal acts, which require amendments and addendums, are analysed based on proposals from the ministries and departments.

Information about improvement of inter-Parliamentary relations, which are among the main factors of strengthening of fruitful relations with different world countries, has been presented. In this context, it was informed about planned working visit to the Republic of Korea for study of activity of National Assembly of friendly country and exchange of practice.

Having noted an important role of the Parliament in solution of objectives for further promotion of the country in democratization and social and economic reforms, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the importance of application of advanced international practice in law-making activity. In this regard, the Head of the State has focused on organization of joint activities for exchange of experience with parliaments of different countries on regular basis.

Summing up the outcomes of the session, the Head of Turkmenistan gave specific assignments, having outlined the objectives for near-term perspective. The President defined proper preparation to coming important events and forums of the state and international significance among the main objectives.

Speaking on the main objectives of agro industrial complex, Turkmen leader has ordered to take proper measures for acceleration of the rates of agricultural campaigns. In this context, relative leader were instructed to make trips to the velayats and inspect the works on sites. The Head of the State has also highlighted the necessity to hold under control the issues related to the realization of the programmes of reformation of agricultural complex.

Improvement of trade, quality of services to the population, government support of private sector are among the utmost objectives. In this regard, the President ordered to provide proper level of organization of activity of relative facilities.

Activation of transit of branches of national economy to digitization has been outlined among the main vectors of coming work. It is necessary to provide support for implementation of latest technologies and equipment, programme software, the Head of the State requested.

Construction, energy and municipal service have been named among the main directions. Having focused on the importance of permanent control of activity of facilities of these spheres, the Head of the State ordered to accelerate the rates of construction of living complexes in the capital and velayats.

Finishing the session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished big success in work to all members of the Government.