Ï The President of Turkmenistan congratulates personnel of industrial sphere on professional holiday

The President of Turkmenistan congratulates personnel of industrial sphere on professional holiday

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“Let me extend my congratulations on the Day of Industry Personnel! This professional holiday, which is widely celebrated on the Government level, symbolizes the recognition of your merits in production of competitive goods, which are on high demand in the world market of industrial commodities, in construction of transport and transit corridors and transnational communication systems”, - the message of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to personnel of industrial and communication complex of the country says.

Turkmen leader highlights in his message that fundamental approaches to objectives of industrialization, give an impulse to dynamic development of export oriented industrial branches, which reflects the goals of the government policy of economic growth.

Cotton fibre, different silk and fabrics, knitted stuff, sewing garment, knitwear and footwear make significant part of local export goods, which indicates turning of our country into one of the states with powerful textile industry. Facilities of the branch. Which are provided with high technology equipment, steadily increase the variety of import substitutive production as well as volumes of high quality textile.

Permanent attention is paid to development of chemical complex, which is based on rich natural resources of the country and relative high technology infrastructure, which establishment allows increasing the export of production, which is on high demands in foreign markets, together with full satisfaction of internal requirements, - the message says.

Industrial facilities provided with modern technological equipment are built. Existing facilities are reconstructed and modernized. Such necessary construction materials cement, non-ore and tiling materials, metal items, glass, ferro concrete items for large panel construction, extended clay, kaolin, gypsum, heavy engineering production are supplied not only to local markets but also exported in big volumes.

Significant investments are made to the formation of modern transport and telecommunication systems. Roads, including those having regional importance, are built, international and international routes are laid, transport is procured, advanced technologies are introduced, new facilities and work places are opened.

It is mentioned in the message that formation of stable multimodal transit corridors is an important condition of operation of unified transport infrastructure. Coordination of activity of logistic centres, seaports and international airports supports economic progress in regional and global levels. Latest developments, modern technologies are introduced into communication system, which allows enhancing the potential of branches of national economy of the country and implementing new projects.

“Resting on the policy of peace-making and constructive cooperation with the states of the world, our country successfully implements transcontinental transport and transit projects. We make proposals on opening of international corridors at the sessions of competent organizations, which are supported by the world community. Taking an active position in international relations including in the context of cooperation with the UN, we propose specific initiatives, realize large-scale projects for establishment of transnational transport and transit corridors together with foreign partners”, - the message of the President highlights.

Finishing the message, the President of Turkmenistan wished strong health, prosperity and success in work to personnel of industrial sector.