Ï The President of Turkmenistan to make a working visit to Japan on October 21 – 23

The President of Turkmenistan to make a working visit to Japan on October 21 – 23

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Preparation to working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan on October 21 – 23, during which it is planned to sign number of documents, is carried out.

The Head of the state was informed about the Programme of coming visit of the Government delegation of Turkmenistan chaired by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov by Vice-premier, Foreign Ministers Rashid Meredov at the session of the Government on October 18.

It was mentioned that big attention is paid to the cooperation with Asian Pacific countries in the context of realization of foreign strategy, including japan, diplomatic relations with which have been established on April 22, 1992. Significant regulatory and legal framework, which includes number of interstate, intergovernmental and interdepartmental documents, is a reliable base of bilateral partnership.

Important role in development of Turkmen – Japanese relations is given to the contact of the highest level. Official and working visits of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan in 2009, 2013 and 2015 were important events in the history of interstate dialog. Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe has paid an official visit to our country in October 2015. Number of bilateral documents has been signed by the outcomes of the meetings and talks under the visits.

Steadfast relations are supported on the level of the governments and foreign departments of two countries. Contacts between parliaments have also acquired systematic character. Turkmen – Japanese cooperation is successfully developed on regional level including in the format of Central Asia – Japan Dialog.

In the context of bilateral trade and economic relations, it is worth to mention that the Country of Raising Sun is one of the main investment partner of Turkmenistan. At present time, joint long-term projects are implemented. In this regard, activity of Turkmen – Japanese and Japanese – Turkmen economic committees is very important. Interstate humanitarian contacts in education and science, culture and art, sport and tourism have also steadfast character.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State said Turkmenistan and Japan confirm by practice mutual intent to intensify productive cooperation in wide range of directions on long-term basis. This is indicated by efficient activity of the world famous Japanese companies in Turkmen market, their participation in implementation of big infrastructural projects in the context of the course of our country to industrialization and diversification of national economy.

At the same time, fruitful interstate humanitarian relations including in scientific and educational sphere, where special attention is paid to training of qualified personnel, are activated every year. Cooperation in cultural sphere is also enriched.

Having highlighted that Turkmenistan sees Japan as reliable and strategic partner, the Head of the State ordered to provide high organizational level of coming visit, which is to become an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations.