Ï Turkmen leader to participate in the XVIII Summit of Non-Alignment Movement

Turkmen leader to participate in the XVIII Summit of Non-Alignment Movement

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Working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Azerbaijan for participation in the XVIII Summit of Non-alignment Movement in Baku is planned on October 25. Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov informed the Head of the State on the preparation to coming visit at the session of the Government on October 18.

It was mentioned that Turkmenistan pays great attention to multidimensional partnership under competent international organizations. It includes the Non-alignment movement, which unites the countries of the world on the principles of non-participation in military and political blocks and consolidation of efforts for provision of universal security and prosperity.

Participation of the Head of the State in the Summit in Baku will be another demonstration of initiative position of Turkmenistan in solution of current problems of modern day, formation of balanced approaches to definition of the most effective formats of international partnership taking into account national interests and priorities of global development.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that steadily implementing policy of peace-loving, goodwill and positive neutrality, our country makes significant input to development of constructive dialog in regional and global scale in the interests of common prosperity and progress.

This is visually indicated by number of creative initiatives of Turkmen side, which were recognized and supported by the world community

Speaking of the importance of coming Summit for development of solutions of current issues of global agenda, the President highlighted that Turkmenistan adheres to the main principles of its neutral status, which are similar to the postulates of the Non-Alignment Movement.