Ï China – Central Asian: New formats of cooperation

China – Central Asian: New formats of cooperation

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China – Central Asian: New formats of cooperation
Chinese Nanning, an economic, administrative and cultural centre of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the PRC, hosted VII Cooperation forum China – Central Asia on October 18 – 19 where representatives of Turkmenistan have participated.

The event was organized by the Chinese Committee of the SCO on good neighbourliness, friendship and cooperation, Foreign Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and People’s Government of this region. The meeting has gathered representatives of different sections of economy from Turkmenistan, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) – heads of the government structures and private sector, delegates from international organizations, non-government associations and journalists.

China – Central Asia Cooperation Forum, which was established on 2012, has become an efficient ground for strengthening of understanding between regions and expansion of beneficial partnership. During its work, heads of national delegations had meetings with representatives of the PRC who head various branches including financial and economic sphere, transport sector, construction and industry.

Strengthening of cooperation for improvement of connectivity between the regions, which have and have not access to sea, stimulation of common progress by innovations were the main subjects that delegates from Central Asian countries discussed with Chinese colleagues. Joint plans in the spheres of transboundary logistics, electronic commerce, joint construction of smart cities as well as in consolidation of women in realization of big projects in different spheres and other actual matters of partnership will be discussed at panel sessions.

It is worth to mention that Turkmenistan occupies an initiative position in strengthening of cooperation. At the same time, great attention is paid to realization of multidimensional potential for consolidation of efforts in trade and economic sphere, transport and communication sector, in energy, humanitarian fields as well as in such directions as tourism, ecology and sports.

Exhibition of production of participating countries, where Turkmenistan was represented by famous carpets, national jewellery and other samples of decorative and applied art as well as by printing production, took place in the China –ASEAN Exhibition hall.

The participants of the Forum outlined vectors of cooperation under international organizations and in bilateral format in such directions as trade and economic relations, transport and logistic, cultural and humanitarian sectors. Special focus was made of consolidation of efforts for restoration of the Silk Road in modern format.

In general, the goal of current Forum is to give new impulses to cooperation between China and Central Asian and Caucasian states and to develop coordinated approaches to expansion of multidimensional partnership.