Ï Samir Veladžić Accredited as Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkmenistan

Samir Veladžić Accredited as Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkmenistan

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Mejlis Chairperson Gulshat Mammedova has accepted credentials from Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkmenistan Samir Veladžić.

On behalf of the head of state, the Speaker of the national parliament congratulated the diplomat on his appointment to the responsible post, wishing him success in strengthening the friendly relations between the two nations.

The ambassador passed on warm greetings and the best wishes from his country’s leadership to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and to the entire nation, and highlighted that he would make every effort to promote a closer interstate dialogue.

In the course of the meeting, the diplomat was informed about the major aspects of neutral Turkmenistan’s home and foreign policy, priority areas of its socio-economic development, and ongoing massive development programs.

The ambassador was also introduced to the institutional structure of the Mejlis and its role in establishing a legal framework for comprehensive transformations and democratic reforms.

The diplomat noted that his country fully supports the policy of positive neutrality of Turkmenistan that is making a substantial contribution to achieving sustainable development regionally and globally. The Turkmen leader’s constructive initiatives, seeking to address today’s burning issues, have won widespread recognition in Bosnia Herzegovina, like everywhere else in the world.

The ambassador voiced his country’s desire to foster closer cooperation with Turkmenistan in the trade-economic and humanitarian-cultural sectors.

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That same day Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Turkmenistan Samir Veladžić was received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to hold a stimulating and lively exchange of views on priorities of bilateral relations.