Ï The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums

The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums

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The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
The Eragi Preserve: Birds’ Eldorado in the Eastern Karakums
Process of formation of biosystem of the Eragi Preserve as well as surrounding territory of the Eastern Karakums have interesting history. Initially, it was an ancient dry lowland with sediment clay remains and salt lowlands covered with black saxaul.

After the decision on flooding of surrounding territories for the needs of irrigated farming, the channel has been made to this place, by which the water from the Amudarya started to come to this place. Thus, a water reserve, which created fundamental changes in landscape and flora and fauna of this part of the desert, has been formed.

Rich with organics Amudarya’s waters were bringing new life to the desert like phyto and zooplankton, phyto and zoobentos, peryphyton from microscopic single-cell bacteria, seaweed to multi-cell like Coelenterata, worms, anthropods, molluscs, which have become the forage for Chordates including amphibious, reptiles, birds and mammals.

The lake was inhabited with demersal and fin fishes like carp and snakehead, roach, bream, asp. There was necessary food for different ducks, sandpipers, seagulls and other birds including big and little cormorants, pelicans, cranes and kingfishers, which does not only feed itself with fish but also covers the nest in the holes with small fish bones.

Hibernation of 13 species of wetland birds including white-eyed aythya, ruddy shelduck and common pochard has been registered in May this year. Big cormorants – 93 pairs, made the most of the population while great crested grebes, common moorhen and great reed warbler were the minority.

The birds’ fauna of the Preserve was represented by 39 species in spring while in the period of autumn migration, the family has reached 82 species. However, according to the scientists it is not a limit. The monitoring is continued in hibernation season.

Total list of the Eragi Preserve including land birds is made of 112 species, which belongs to 14 families. Availability of food and protection mode supports the appearance of rare species like pink pelican, flamingo, white-eyed aythya, osprey and black vultures.

Located in the heart of the Eastern Karakums, wetland complex of the Eragi Preserve has become a bird Eldorado and would be inhabited by new birds from different systematic and biotope groups.

In addition to birds, the otter and North American rodent – the nutria, which has acclimatized in this place, were observed in autumn. In future, it would be possible to forecast the infiltration of new water plants and animals from Amudarya River including ancient habitats of its waters, endemics like big and little shovelnose sturgeons.

There is no doubt that personnel of the Repetek Biosphere Preserve will have new scientific discoveries. We wish them success in noble and important affair of natural protection and study of biodiversity of unique nature of Turkmenistan.