Ï The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito

The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito

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The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The Head of the State meets students and participates in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito
The day of the working visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to Japan was full of important events.

The award ceremony of the academic title – the Doctor Honoris Causa of the Hirosaki University to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, took place in Chinzanso Tokyo Hotel in the morning.

Director of the Hirosaki University Sato Kei has warmly and cordially welcomed Turkmen leader in the Ballroom Hall.

The Head of Turkmen State and Director of the University went to the Ceremonial hall where professors, lecturers and students of the University as well as other high educational institutes of Japan, representatives of Japanese – Turkmen Association for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, members of the official delegation of our country have gathered to attend the ceremony.

Everybody was greeting the President of Turkmenistan – the Academic of the academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medicine and Economy, Honoured Professor of and Doctor of Sciences of number of scientific and educational centres of foreign countries with applauses.

The Hirosaki University, which was founded in 1949, is one of prestige educational institutes in the world.

Around 7,000 students study in the University. Teaching staff includes more than 2,000 specialists. The main goal of the University is to establish a flexible educational and research process for satisfaction of requirements of future generation, to form up an environment, which will allow students developing individual abilities and gaining professional skills.

The structure of the University includes humanitarian and social studies, educational, science and technologies, agriculture and natural sciences departments, medical school and health science school.

It is worth mentioning that the University has a programme of financing of investments to the spheres of development of science and technologies, which are the most perspective for the world competiveness of Japan, as well as provide support in promotion of this product to the market.

On behalf of the participants, Director of the Hirosaki University Sato Kei has warmly greeted President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, having highlighted that this meeting marks new stage of development of bilateral relations in humanitarian sphere especially in science field.

The Hirosaki University has been cooperating with the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan for several years, the Director said, having noted that he was lucky to visit Ashgabat where he met the President of Turkmenistan. Another meetings took place in the fields of the II UN Conference for reduction of risks of natural disasters in Japanese Sendai in 2015. -

It is a great honour for me to take part in current event, which is held under the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor of japan, - Kei Sato highlighted.

He has also reminded the work of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” was presented at the exhibition, which was held in the Hirosaka University in 2015. Being a huge input to the fund of the University’s library, this work serves as a manual guide for students and scientific personnel, the director noted.

Further, the decision of Scientific Board of the University on award of the Head of Turkmen State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with title of the Doctor Honoris Causa of the Hirosaka University for personal contribution to development of Turkmen - Japanese relations, science and education has been announced.

In the solemn atmosphere, under storm of applauses, the Head of the University handed over relative diploma to the President.

The President of Turkmenistan expressed sincere gratitude to the staff of the leading scientific and educational center of Japan for conferring of the high title. "I consider this award as a sign of respect for Turkmenistan, the recognition of our country's achievements in the sphere of science and education, the evidence of friendship and strengthening of ties between the peoples of two countries".

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlined the fundamental role of science and education in the development of a society and state, specifying the investments into a human and into reveal of his abilities as the most promising one of all types of investments. All of these are investments to the future of the country, - Turkmen leader highlighted.

Referring to the history of Japan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated that as is known, the country received powerful breakthrough in quality development in the end of the XIX century as the result of Meiji Restoration, important part of which lies within progressive changes in educational system.

The Head of the State described fundamental changes and integrated measures in the country for development of science and education, which are undisputable priority of the Government policy. The purpose is to implement high standards of education, support and stimulation of fundamental and applied scientific researches, comprehensive introduction of information technologies to educational process, expansion of international scientific and education exchange, active cooperation with leading foreign universities.

Based on interstate and interdepartmental agreements in educational sphere, thousands of young people of our country go for study to prestige educational institutes in foreing countries, Turkmen leader said.

Many educational institutes of our country established partnership with dozens of foreign universities, among which Japanese universities occupy deserved and important place. As an example, the Head of the state brought out cooperation between Turkmen universities with Tsukuba and Tokai Universities, Tokai Foreign Language University.

In this context, special mention has been made of the Agreement on Cooperation between Turkmen Agricultural University and Hirosaki University, which was signed in March this year.

Model level of Turkmenistan’s development allows expanding intellectual potential by quality education according to the world standards. For these purposes, educational programmes have been significantly improved on all levels, which allows providing different branches of the economy and social sphere with qualified personnel, Turkmen leader highlighted.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that special place in given to Japan, which Turkmenistan sees as a reliable and perspective partner in scientific and technological sphere in the context of international scientific and educational cooperation. In this regard, the intent to adopt Japanese practice in creation of innovative resources, application of know-hows, development and implementation of modern management solutions in different spheres has been confirmed. Oguzkhan Engineering and technology University, where Japanese specialists work these days, has been opened in 2016. In addition, Japanese languages is studied in 12 secondary schools and 5 universities of our country.

Having expressed confidence that cooperation of leading educational institutes of two states is very important in exchange of modern knowledge, Turkmen leader highlighted the importance to activate fundamental and experimental sciences, development of effective partnership in the sphere of humanitarian sciences, in particular in oriental study. History archaeology, language and cultural study.

Having noted that more than 20 students from Turkmenistan study at present in the Country of Raising Sun, the Head of the State expressed hope that this number would be increased in the future.in this regard, the Head of the state proposed to develop a programme of study of Turkmen students in educational centres of Japan, which would allow sending them to Japan on systematic base taking into consideration the requirements of national economy and social sphere. In our turn, we are willing to receive Japanese students, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

In the end of his speech, highly appreciated the position of Japanese partners, their willingness to render support to Turkmenistan in its innovative development where education is to play an important role, the Head of the state expressed gratitude to the Board of the University for the reception and warm welcome, having wished students and teachers strong health and big scientific success.

The speech of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was listened with great attention and welcomed by storm of applause.

After, the President met Turkmen students who study in Japan.

“ As is known, science and education are a wealth that puts a foundation of all achievements and reformations of humankind, determining the future of any country and destiny of the nation. If we refer to the practice of developed states, we will make sure that the progress is based on high level of educational system”, - Turkmen leader said addressing students.

The Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan pays great attention to improvement of level and quality of education. New programmes are realized in this sphere. Formation of new generation of specialists with wide world outlook, knowing high technologies is the main objective of the reforms.

Secondary and high educational facilities, kindergartens, recreation and health improvement centres are built all around Turkmenistan, methodology of education is improved, system of digital education is introduced. Innovative vector of development is to bring national education system to the level of the world standards.

Turkmenistan caries out big work for activation of international cooperation in educational sphere. Based on intergovernmental and interstate agreements, bigger number of representative of Turkmen youth go to prestige foreign educational institutes for education.

National universities established close partnership with foreign scientific and educational centres, important role among which is given to Japanese universities, Turkmen leader highlighted.

Advising the students, the President of Turkmenistan said: “We pay special importance with Japan in scientific and educational cooperation. Using established conditions, you have to expand your outlook, improve your knowledge, to be committed and hard-working, to multiply the authority of the country. You have to study Japanese practice in the sphere of nanotechnologies and innovations, development of modern management solutions”.

We pursue the policy of industrialization of our country working together with advanced foreign companies including from Japan, the Head of the State continued, having noted that plants for production of ammonia and carbamide in Mary, Mary Velayat, carbamide fertilizers in Garabogaz, polyethylene and polypropylene in Kiyanly, Balkan Velayat, first in the world plant for production of eco-friendly synthetic gasoline from natural gas in Ahal Velayat have been built with their participation.

As is known, specialists pay special attention to environment protection during development and realization of the projects in industrial sector, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Eco-friendly advanced technologies are the targets in urban construction sphere, oil and gas sector, chemical industry, power energy, agriculture and are integral criteria of social and economic programmes in Turkmenistan in general.

Requirement in such professions as programmers, engineers, technologists has been foreseen during the transit to digital economy, Turkmen leader continued, having noted that we would achieve competiveness and high rates of economic progress only having knowledge and promotion of technologies.

After, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed that the meeting with businessmen is planned for tomorrow where wide spectrum of subjects of cooperation including in transport sphere would be discussed.

In the end of the speech, the Head of the State noted importance of study of ancient Japanese history, its culture and traditions and popularization of historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen nation by young messengers of our country.

Having congratulated Turkmen leader on the award of high title of the Doctor Honoris Causa of the Hirosaki University, the student studying in Japan expressed gratitude for attention and fatherly care.

Having presented his book “Turkmen Alabay” to the students, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that reader would find many interesting information about this breed in the book including interesting stories, facts, legends and archive data.

Finishing the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov fatherly advised the students for receiving modern knowledge so after come back home as qualified specialists, they would make deserved contribution to progressive development of the country.

In the afternoon, the Head of Turkmenistan went to the Japan’s Emperor Palace from Chinzanso Tokyo Hotel. In the palace, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with other invited high-rank guests took part in the enthronement ceremony of the Emperor Naruhito.

More than 2,000 guests from more than 180 countries arrived in Tokyo to participate in the events.

As is known, the institute of the Emperor’s Power occupies an important place in hierarchy structure of the Country of Raising Sum from the old times, which was provided by positive attitude of Japanese people to the Emperor’s dynasty as to special element of national history and culture. The Constitution of Japan the Emperor as a symbol of the state and solidarity of the nation. The title of the Emperor is passed along the male line.

Inclusion of the audience by the Emperor to the programme of visits of high-rank guests is considered as a sign of special respect. In this regard, it is worth reminding that the Head of the Turkmenistan has met with the Emperor of Japan during his official visits to the Country of Raising Sun in 2009, 2013 and 2015.

The Reiwa Age starts after the enthronement of Naruhito in Japan. It is translated as a harmony or blossoming peace. The name of the age gives tone to future decades. The name was selected from the poem of the anthology of Japanese poetry Man'yōshū. The poem describes blooming of apricot trees in the beginning of the spring. The age of Akihito Governance was called Heisei, which is translated as achievement of peace. It was forestalled by Showa Period – an educated world.

As a rule, heads of legislative, executive and judicial power of Japan take part in the enthronement ceremony.

According to the regulations, the Emperor of Japan Naruhito arrives in the Seiden Hall at appointed time and sits on the Emperor’s throne.

The Emperor Naruhito make a ceremonial speech, which is followed by congratulation speech of the Prime Ministers of Japan. Traditional basai – Japanese wish for longevity, is addressed to the Emperor.

The sound of gong informs on completion of the enthronement ceremony, after which high-rank guest leave the place of event.

Official reception was given in the Emperor’s Palace in the evening on occasion of the enthronement of the Emperor of Japan.

At the reception, the President of Turkmenistan exchange greetings with the Emperor Naruhito and members of his family.

After official reception, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to his residence in Chinzanso Tokyo Hotel.

Working visit of the President of Turkmenistan to Tokyo is continued.