Ï Turkmen leader discuss aspects of inter-parliamentary collaboration in Tokyo

Turkmen leader discuss aspects of inter-parliamentary collaboration in Tokyo

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In the morning, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, who is on a working visit to Tokyo, had a meeting with Chairman of the House of Representatives of Japan Tadamori Osima.

Warmly greeting high-rank guest, Mr Osima noted that this is great honour for him to meet the Head of Turkmenistan. At the same time, high level of relations between two states as well as dynamic character of established parliamentarian relations has been highlighted.

Japan pays great attention to development of fruitful dialog with Turkmenistan, the Chairman of Japan’s House of Representatives said, having expressed confidence that current visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov would support further improvement of traditionally friendly bilateral relations.

Having expressed gratitude for cordial welcome and hospitality, the Head of the State taking opportunity congratulated the Speaker of the House of Representatives and friendly Japanese people on the enthronement of the Emperor Naruhito. The President noted that our countries are connected with close relations, which are based on respect of each other, equality and strive for progress.

Turkmenistan works actively with Japan in political, trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres. In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has also highlighted the importance of dialog between legislative authorities of two states.

Regular inter-parliamentary and inter-party meetings, exchange of practice in law-making sphere will support the expansion of comprehensive interstate relations. Speaking of this, the Head of the State has noted an important role of the Parliamentary League of Turkmen – Japanese friendship in improvement of cooperation in this direction.

Today, Turkmenistan follows the way of staged reformation of social and political life. Activity of government administration and legislative authorities is improved in the context of large-scale reforms. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that establishment of two-chamber Parliament by unification of the Mejlis and the People’s Council into single system of representative and legislative power authorities has been initiated at the recent session of the People’s Council.

Change to two-chamber system will give an opportunity to represent the interests of all level of Turkmen society, having provided conditions for monitoring in legal practice. In addition, it will give impulse to closer collaboration between deputies and electorate at sites, enforcement of control of fulfilment of laws and national programmes.

Continuing the meeting, the presence of significant multidimensional potential for expansion of Turkmen – Japanese partnership in trade and economic sphere has been noted. At the same time, cooperation in humanitarian sphere especially in science, education and culture received new content.

It was stated that Turkmenistan and Japan actively works in multilateral format under competent international organizations including the UN. Turkmen – Japanese cooperation under the Central Asia – Japan Dialog has a steadfast character.

In the end of the meeting, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Chairman of the House of Representatives of Japan Tadamori Osima expressed confidence in development of constructive cooperation that meets the interests of two countries and nations.