Ï Representatives of business circles of Turkmenistan and Italy to meet in Milano

Representatives of business circles of Turkmenistan and Italy to meet in Milano

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It was informed at the session of the Government on October 26 that it is planned to hold Turkmen – Italian business forum in Milano on November 6. Meeting of business circles of two countries will be timed to the official visit of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the Republic of Italy.

Participation of the Director of the Trade Agency of the Ministry of Commerce of Italy, the Vice-President of Lombardi Region, representatives of companies working in energy, oil and gas, chemical, food and textile industries, construction and building materials production spheres, agriculture and heavy engineering, transport and logistics is planned in thework of the forum.

It is expected that more than 100 Italian companies and representatives of export oriented branches of the economy, members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs will take part I the event.

Bilateral meetings will be organized in the fields of the forum. It is planned to sign documents on cooperation including in entrepreneurship direction by the outcomes of business talks.