Ï The President of Turkmenistan and heads of the regions discuss priority objectives

The President of Turkmenistan and heads of the regions discuss priority objectives

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held video conference working session with participation of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers in charge of agricultural complex, hyakims of Ashgabat and the regions.

The agenda included aspects of realization of the strategy of social and economic development of the capital and regions, seasonal agricultural work as well as preparation to the Harvest Festival.

Opening video conference working session, the Head of the State called Hyakim of AshgabatSh. Durdiliyev who reported on the situation in the capital, measures for its further development, creation of green zones, rates of construction works of various facilities.

Having listened to the report, the President expressed his discontent with activity of city and etrap administrations. The Head of the State has focused attention of the Hyakim of the necessity of strict order and maintenance of cleanness in the city, modernization of infrastructure and improvement of decoration of the capital.

Having highlighted the importance of responsible and comprehensive approach to solution of objectives of further development of Ashgabat, the President addressed the Hyakim with specific assignments. The Head of the State focused on the importance of well-thought organization of works including social and cultural, engineering, technical and ecological directions.

Having noted low rates of construction of certain facilities, the Head of the State ordered to provide strict control for timely commissioning of the facilities and quality of their construction.

Taking into account coming winter season, it is important to take all measures for uninterrupted operation of heating systems in living quarters, schools, kindergartens and all urban engineering and technical systems in general, coordinated activity of municipal services, the President said.

Video conference session was continued by the report of Hyakim of Ahal Velayat S. Berdimuhamedov who reported on the situation in the region, measures for care of winter crops, acceleration of the rates of cotton harvest campaign.

Information about different facilities, which are currently under construction in the velayat under realization of National rural programme, as well as about planned events on occasion of the Harvest Festival has been presented.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State has focused on the necessity of integrated approach to all works. The Hyakim was ordered to provide high rates of cotton harvest campaign and timely payment settlements with farmers for produced crops.

Having highlighted priority directions of social and economic development of the region, the President requested to hold under control solution of the issues of preparation of life support systems to winter season as well as organization of the Harvest Festival on proper level.

Hyakim of Balkan Velayat Ya. Gylyjov reported to the Head of the State on seasonal agricultural works as well as on realization of National Programme of improvement of living conditions of rural population, facilities, which are planned to be opened, and preparation to the Harvest Festival.

Turkmen leader addressed the Hyakim with specific assignments on timely completion of cotton harvest campaign, having demanded to control the conditions for productive work of farmers as well as efficient use of available material and technical resources, timely settlement of payments with tenants.

Having touched upon the subject of construction of social and cultural facilities in the velayat, the Head of the State expressed interest in the situation at construction sites including around Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake and in Avaza National tourist zone, having given number of assignments to the Hyakim.

The President highlighted the importance of provision of proper operational condition of heating systems of residential buildings, educational and children facilities. The Hyakim was also requested to make preparations for the Harvest Festival on proper level.

Hyakim of Dashoguz Velayat N. Nazarmyradov reported on the situation in the region.

In particular, it was informed about the measures for timely and organized completion of cotton harvest campaign. Information about the rates of construction of different facilities in the velayat, preparation to the events on occasion of the Harvest Festival has been presented.

Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out the necessity of use of favourable weather conditions, measures for stimulation and support of farmers as well as optimum involvement of agricultural equipment for successful completion of cotton harvesting.

The Head of the State has also highlighted that it is important to keep the rates of work in the velayat as well as to approach the preparation of heating systems to winter season with full responsibility.

It was also highlighted that all activities on occasion of the Harvest Festival have to be held on high organizational level.

In his turn, Hyakim of Lebap Velayat T. Atahalliyev reported on the situation in the region, course of seasonal work at agricultural fields.

In the report, the Hyakim informed about preparation for the Harvest Festival as well as about the rates of constructions, realization of the programme measures for further development of social and economic infrastructure.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that these works have to have an efficient character. The Head of the State has also ordered to prepare to winter season properly, to provide uninterrupted operation of heating systems in living houses schools and kindergartens.

Video conference session was continued by Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev who reported on the situation in agricultural complex and measures for successful completion of cotton harvest campaign.

It was also informed about development of social and economic infrastructure of the velayat, construction works at the facilities and preparation to the Harvest Festival.

Having focused on the field works, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the importance of seasonal agricultural campaigns as per the schedule and in accordance to agricultural requirements.

The President noted the importance of timely commissioning of the facilities under construction in the velayat.

The Head of the State gave instructions to the Hyakim for organization of the Harvest Festival as well as for preparation of heating system to coming winter season.

After, President of Turkmenistan called Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev.

The Vice-premier reported on seasonal works in agricultural fields of the country.

Having listened to the report, the Head of the State gave instructions to the Vice-premier on organized completion of cotton harvest campaign and preparation to the Harvest festival.

The necessity of proper organization of agricultural activities has been noted and orders on preparation to the next season, control of the readiness of agricultural equipment have been given.

Summing up the outcomes of video conference session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused again on importance of reviewed subjects and wished success in work to all participants.