Ï President of Turkmenistan and President of Uzbekistan have telephone conversation

President of Turkmenistan and President of Uzbekistan have telephone conversation

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President of Turkmenistan had a telephone conversation with President of Uzbekistan.

Cordially greeting each other, the leaders of the two states expressed satisfaction with the status of multifaceted relations between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, committed to the ties of friendship, fraternity and good neighbourliness.

The leaders of the two states exchanged views on the key areas of the Turkmen-Uzbek strategic partnership, built on the principles of mutual respect given today’s requirements and situation in the region and all around the world.

The President of Turkmenistan and the President of Uzbekistan expressed satisfaction with the positive dynamics of the interstate dialogue in frames of the agreements, achieved during top level meetings and talks. The parties reaffirmed the interest in diversifying mutually beneficial relations.

In this regard, it was underlined the importance of regular meetings at different levels, including in frames of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Uzbek commission on trade, economic, scientific and technological as well as cultural cooperation.

It was emphasized that particular attention is paid to strengthening border relations as well as the partnership to address the common problems in the region, in particular saving the Aral Sea and water management.

The leaders of the two states focused on the strategic role of transport corridors between neighbouring states, including highway and railway bridges build in Turkmenistan across the Amu Darya River. It was emphasized the importance of the implementation of joint large-scale projects, in particular a modern transit corridor that will open up the shortest ways to enter the sea ports of Iran, Oman and India, providing wide opportunities for the further growth of trade, transit and investments.

The President of Turkmenistan and the President of Uzbekistan exchanged views on the important issues of the regional and international agenda.

The President of Turkmenistan expressed gratitude to his Uzbek colleague for the support of foreign-policy initiatives put forward by Turkmenistan in frames of authoritative organizations, first the UN General Assembly.

The President of Turkmenistan and the President of Uzbekistan called for the further development of relations in the humanitarian sphere, in the sphere of sports and tourism.

In conclusion, the leaders of the two states wished each other health and success, and the peoples of fraternal countries – peace and prosperity.