Ï Big hothouse farm is opening in the north of the country

Big hothouse farm is opening in the north of the country

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Network of modern hothouse farming complex of year-around cycle is expanded in Dashoguz Velayat. New hothouse, which was built at the land given by the Government to long-term lease in Gyorogly etrap, is planned to be opened by member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneur of the country Altyn Gala Gurlushyk Individual Enterprise.

Profile facility, which is the second in structure of private company, occupies five hectares. Materials having heat insulating characteristics and long service life have been used in the construction.

Equipment of the hothouse allows supporting optimum conditions for cultivation of eco-friendly tomatoes in automatic mode. It has lighting, temperature, humidity support and mineral fertilizing systems. Vegetables grown in hothouse will undergo quality control in special laboratory before sending to consumers.

Altyn Gala Gurlyshyk plans to expand the network of hothouse farms.

This business sphere is considered to be one of the most perspective directions of activity among local entrepreneurs due to economic conditions. Significant growth of number of hothouse farms supports successful realization of the state programmes of import substitution and export orientation as well as growth of occupation of local population.