Ï Turkmen weightlifters win gold and silver of international tournament

Turkmen weightlifters win gold and silver of international tournament

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Turkish Gaziantep hosted International Weightlifting Tournament in the memory of three-time Olympic Champion Naim Suleymanoglu on November 15 – 17.

Representative competitions were a qualification round for the Olympic Games 2020, which would be held in Tokyo next summer. By the results of the tournament, the collection of national weightlifting team has been added with gold and silver medals.

There was no one equal to the third grade student of Turkmen State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport Cristina Shermetova in the weight category up to 55 kg. The sportswoman went up to the highest step of the podium having lifted 190 kg in total of two discipline. At the same time, Cristina has demonstrated the best results in snatch and clean-and-jerk (87 and 113 kg respectively).

Seytjan Mirzayev has won silver medal in the weight category of 61 kg. 265 kg, this is the result of two exercises demonstrated by the coach of sport school No. 3 of Dyanev of the Main Department of Sport and Youth Affairs of Lebap Velayat, who has the best in clean-and-jerk (122 kg) and the second in snatch discipline (143 kg).