Ï Stable trade and economic development in the SPCEA region is discussed in Ashgabat

Stable trade and economic development in the SPCEA region is discussed in Ashgabat

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Economic forum of the UN Special Programme for Economies of Central Asia under subject “Interrelations: Facilitation of trade and transport procedures and sustainable development in the SPECA sub-region” has started in the Yildyz Hotel of the capital.

Heads of leading specialists of competent organizations including the United Nations Organization and its divisions, delegations of the members states of the SPECA, experts of international regional and sub-regional structures, big financial institutes, representatives of profile ministries and departments of Turkmenistan participate in the meeting organized by the Government of Turkmenistan together with the UN EEC and ESCAP.

High-rank representatives of the UN EEC Executive Secretary, the ESCAP executive Secretary and the UNDP in our country, who spoke in the forum, have noted the United Nations Organization sees Turkmenistan as a reliable and responsible partner, which holds an active position in development of constructive regional and international dialog.

Regional integration and partnership of the member states of the Programme receive special role in successful reflection of economic, social and political challenges. According to the delegations’ members, this event allows matching the positions and coordinating work for activation of regional cooperation.

Representative of Turkmen side – Minister of Finances and Economy Batyr Bazarov, has noted in his speech that the main message of current forum is to support productive cooperation by sustainable transport and facilitation of trade procedures in the SPECA region on the principles of mutual respect and benefit.

As of today, positive forecasts of economic development are observed in Central Asia, which were reflected in increment of trade and expansion of opportunities for partnership as well as in joining or activation of efforts for joining the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Speaking of the importance of cooperation in different regional organizations or on the SPECA, CAREC, CIS and other platforms, the spokesmen were focusing on the fact that trade and transport are outlined as the main directions of cooperation. In this context, the presence of close relations between the trade and sustainable development, modernization of transport sphere and its infrastructure and trade has been noted.

It was mentioned in the report that according to the International Monetary Fund, the trade and service indicators have increased by two times faster than the world economy for the last 15 years. This tendency is traced in Central Asia as well. That is why the support of the trade in the SPECA region, use of various digital systems and tools for facilitation of trade procedures will support the improvement of regional market.

At the same time, it was highlighted that the main goal of the member states of the Programme is to make the SPECA region as a reliable transport hub including by realization of relative goals of 2030 Agenda

Being one of the member states of the SPECA, Turkmenistan pays great attention to regional integration. Activation of international relations in transport and trade sectors are among priority directions of economic strategy of the country.

Establishment of modern, integrated, balanced and high technology transport infrastructure is an objective factor and one of the main goals of the SDGs.

Transport communication and formation of transport corridors including in the SPECA region is one of perspective directions presenting an interest for each country, the participants highlighted. Speaking of the position of Turkmenistan in the sphere of transport cooperation, the representative of our country has noted that it is based on the necessity to add systematic character to it with the UN participation.

During the exchange of the opinions, the participants spoke for the complex of measures for provision of the efficiency of transport routes, reduction of the share of transport component in the final cost of the product in internal transit, export and import communication. At the same time, it was noted that establishment of transport and logistic centres of intermodal transportation is an expected outcome of realization of this strategy.

In this context, importance of optimization of tariffs with the member countries of international transport corridors and flexible system of preferences has been highlighted.

Establishment of the SPECA Fund was one of the subjects of discussion. This initiative was proposed during the First Caspian Economic Forum and supported by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

In this regard, the participants have expressed the confidence that the Fund would support the development of the process of regional cooperation. In general, this structure is to become a coordination centre for national directive authorities of the Special Programme.

Plenary sessions dedicated to transport and transit, facilitation of trade procedures in the SPECA sub-region took place in the afternoon. The discussions were focused on the aspects of cooperation in provision of collaboration between, facilities, production and sale chains, regulation authorities, information and logistic systems.

The forum completes its work on the following day, recommendations for strengthening of political, legal and institutional base of regional economic cooperate will be developed by the outcomes of the Forum.