Ï Industrial and Communication complex: Innovations, investments, marketing

Industrial and Communication complex: Innovations, investments, marketing

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of the heads of industrial and communication spheres where aspect of the industry development.

Having announced the agenda, the President gave floor to Minister of Industry and Communication T. Durkhanov who reported on work for fulfilment of the Governmental programmes, opening of new production facilities by attraction of foreign investments and implementation of digital technologies, modernization of existing facilities.

The ministry and relevant agencies developed plan and its technical specifications for promotion of information and communication technologies in the country.

Detailed information on large-scale work for turning of the country into big transport and logistic centre of the continent carried out by the ministry and its structures has been presented within the report.

Minister of Textile Industry R. Rejepov reported on construction of new textile complexes, facilities of art carpet manufacturing in the regions of the country, work on expansion and improvement of equipment and facility base of the structures under the ministry.

In his turn, reporting on the activity of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa, Chairman N. Niyazliyev informed about work for further implementation of innovative technologies to the industry, modernization and expansion of production potential of existing facilties.

It was informed that relative work has been carried out for improvement of operation of Tejenkarbamid Plant facilities, which resulted in entering into contract with foreign company on provision of technical analysis of the facility.

Chairman of Türkmendemirýollary Agency A. Atamyradov made report on programme measures for transfer of the branch t digital system and improvement of services to passengers.

After, the Head of the State gave floor to Chairman of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency H. Hudayguliyev who reported on the situation in communication sphere.

It was mentioned that Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency carries out relative work for satisfaction of the population’s demand on high-speed internet service.

Network systems of ministries and departments are connected to communication system using fibre optic communication line in the country. Work for implementation of online payment service is carried out.

Chairman of Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency O. Sukhanov reported to the Head of the State on integrated measures for increment of rates of cargo and passenger transportation and quality of passenger service.

Report of Chairman of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency D. Saburov reported on fulfilment of the assignments for improvement of activity of the branch. It was mentioned that airports of the country were brought into conformance with the requirements of International Civil Aviation Organization.

Chairman of Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency A. Haiytmuradov made report on work in the structures of this organization, measures for increment of cargo and passenger traffic.

Opening of Turkmenbashy International Seaport provided new level of development of national transport system, supported activation of foreign economic relations of Turkmenistan and improvement of its role as an important transit centre.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave floor for report to Chairman of Türkmensenagat Agency R. Ovezov who highlighted that high technology facilities making competitive production have been opened in our country.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov informed the Head of the State about fulfilment of the assignments outlined in the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, Concept of development of digital economy in Turkmenistan in 2019 – 2025.

Export potential of the country has been increased, infrastructure of transport and transit corridors and sphere of logistic services has been strengthened in the result of reforms implemented in industrial and communication spheres.

It was mentioned that measures for development of small and medium production facilities, which are aimed at making of eco-friendly export oriented and import substitutive production, are taken in textile, chemical and other industrial branches by attraction of foreign capital and use of local raw materials.

The Vice-premier has also informed that technical specifications for project design, construction and launching of new artificial satellite for monitoring of the earth surface from the space have been developed and relative work is carried out on this matter.

Having listened to the reports, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that all work is aimed at strengthening of economic power of the country. big projects, which we implement in industrial and communication spheres these days, make prepositions for strengthening of international cooperation and for provision of high quality production and services.

Focusing on the presence of big opportunities and natural resources, Turkmen leader expressed discontent with work in this direction, having highlighted that necessary measures are not taken of for opening of small and medium facilities with attraction of foreign investments for processing of local raw materials.

Speaking of this, the Head of the country has stated that our country has all conditions for own production of different household equipment and appliances. It could also present wide opportunity for opening of new work places together with reduction of import volumes for foreign currency.

However, the heads of industrial sphere do not pay enough attention to this subject; necessary work for wide implementation of digital technologies, scientific achievements to the branch is not carried out, the Head of the State noted.

At present time, the structure of the Ministry of Textile Industry includes 75 operational facilities. In addition, construction of new textile complexes, each of which is designated for processing of 5,000 tons of fine fibre cotton per year, is carried out in Kaahka and Babadayhan etraps, Ahal Velayat as well as 7 carpet manufacturing facilities in the country in general.

All conditions for processing of produced cotton have been made in the country, the President noted, having pointed out low level of involvement of production output capacities of the facilities of the Ministry of Textile Industry and low rates of modernization of outdated equipment.

Variety of exported textile items is not increased. Work for attraction of foreign investments for modernization of existing textile facilities, which are provided with modern equipment, is not carried out properly.

Analysing activity of national construction industry, the President stated that necessary finances are invested to the industry, variety and quality of produced building materials is improved, production of building materials, which were imported previously imported, has increased and list of exported types is expanded.

Cement factory with annual output capacity of 1,000,000 tons in Lebap Velayat, «Türkmen aýna önümleri» facility producing 1,200,000 meters of glass and 14,400 tons of various glass bottles have been built and put into operation in the last years. More than 1,600 working places have been opened at these facilities.

However, it is necessary to increase the rates of works in this direction, the Head of the state highlighted, having pointed out that provision of construction sites of the country with eco-friendly, high-quality building materials is not carried out in full volume.

Three cement factories operate in the country, however, the plan of production of cement was fulfilled by 61.2 percent while the rolled metal products by 64.4 percent for ten months of the year,

Production capacity of cement plants in Kelyata are used by 8.1 percent, in Lebap by 88 percent, in Baharden by 64 percent, Balkan by 40 percent, Türkmendemirönümleri state facility by 64 percent.

In this regard, it was highlighted that it is necessary to build another three cement plants for satisfaction of own needs and export of cement. It has been enough time since the order on this was given, the Head of the State said, having requested to accelerate the work.

More than 3,300,000,000 US dollars have been invested to development of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa for the last 10 years. Four modern facilities – Marykarbamid, Garabogazkarbamid, Garlyk Ore and Mining Complex for production of potassium fertilizers and sulphuric acid facility, have been built and put into operation for the short period.

After opening of these facilities, the production capacity of mineral fertilizers of the Concern has been increased three times. more than 3,500 working places have been opened.

Nevertheless, the built plants were not brought up to full designed output capacity, which could allowed providing agricultural sphere of the country with mineral fertilizers in full volume as well as exporting this production and an receiving an income in foreign currency.

Relative work for reconstruction of old chemical facilities was not carried out; no measures were taken for their provision with modern technologies.

It is necessary to open small and medium enterprises for increment of variety of chemical production. However, foreign investment are not attracted in full volume for this. Proper attention is not paid to implementation of new technologies, training of qualified specialists. In the result, the plan of production of mineral fertilizers was fulfilled only by 59 percent.

There are many deficiencies in transport and communication sphere. Digital technologies are implemented to railway sphere very slowly. Work for electrification and automatization of rail roads for uninterrupted traffic of high-sped trains is not carried out, the President stated.

Turmkenbashy International Seaport does not work to full capacity; capabilities of national artificial satellite are not use in full volume; internet and mobile communication system are not implemented. Computer technology trainings are not organized. Qualified specialists who are able to develop computer programmes are not trained.

Turkmen leader continued that for timely solution of the objectives of the Ministry of Textile Industry, it is necessary to make eco-friendly production, to carry out relative work for increment of export, to pay more attention to work on advertisement of the product with “Made in Turkmenistan” log in the world market.

It is also necessary to train marketing specialists, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, having pointed out that it is necessary to send the youth to leading foreign universities and to invite experienced specialists from other countries to our educational institutes.

It was decided to increase the field for cotton for further development of national textile industry. Processing received additional cotton, the opportunity to increase the volumes of production sold in the world markets will come.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered Vice-premier B. Ovezov and heads of the Ministry of Textile Industry to find the place for construction of new profile factories and to start the construction.

It is necessary to activate the work for economic modernization of textile facilities and to reconstruct old factories. The Head of the State noted that it is necessary to attract foreign investments and to establish joint ventures.

Wide implementation of digital technologies to production, opening of new work places and provision of good conditions for personnel are important objectives.

It is necessary to carry out necessary work for modernization of carpet making sphere, protection of national features of Turkmen handmade carpets and their popularization in the world.

Having highlighted the objectives of the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa, the President noted that it is necessary to increase production potential of existing facilities by implementation of innovative technologies to chemical industry, having paid special attention to increment of volumes of production oriented for export.

Together with personnel of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, it is necessary to arrange production of chemicals used in national economy.

Special focus has been made on construction of facility for production of concentrated phosphorous fertilizers in the structure of Turkmenabat Chemical Plant.

It is also important to continue work for steadfast improvement of the partnership with big international scientific organizations in the sphere of innovative technologies for integrated development of hydrocarbon and mineral resources of the country.

Further, the President outlined number of objectives for Türkmensenagat Agency. It includes improvement of quality and increment of volumes of produced building material by expansion and implementation of innovative technologies to the facilities of industrial sphere.

It is necessary to train qualified personnel, which is able to manage the facilities of the branch on scientific base, implement digital technologies to production, the Leader of the nation highlighted.

Together with the Academy of Sciences, it is necessary to process local raw materials and to arrange work of small and medium enterprises for production of import substitutive building materials and eco-friendly industrial production.

Continuing his speech, the President highlighted objectives of Türkmendemirýollary Agency, having highlighted that according to the Programme of social and economic development of the country in 2019 – 2025, it is necessary to reconstruct and to provide electrification of Turkmenabat – Turkmenbashy rail road.

It is also necessary to improve logistic potential of the country, having involved capabilities of Turkmen part of Üzen–Gyzylgaýa–Bereket–Etrek–Gorgan railroad and to increase transit cargo turnover.

It is important to continue work for involvement of latest technical achievements and transit to digital technologies for modernization of passenger transportation and improvement of quality of service. It is also necessary to accelerate the rate of work for reconstruction of local railroads of the country, their electrification and automatization.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave objectives to Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency.

It is necessary to increase throughput capacity of transnational system of fibre optic communication, to increase the volumes of transit flows of communication as well as to carry out work for creation of new fibre optic connections, the Head of the State said.

It is necessary to develop the project of construction of the building of Information centre of Turkmenistan for transfer to digital economy and digital electronic services.

In this context, the importance of work for improvement of equipment and facility base of the Cyber Security Service under the Agency, training of specialists in this sphere and improvement of their qualification has been noted.

It is also necessary to modernize equipment and facility base of mobile and internet communication, to study the capabilities of 5G mobile communication system, having presented certain proposals.

After, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined number of objectives for Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency.

The President ordered to diversify services for passenger and cargo transportation. It was noted that if it is necessary Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency is able to bring different vehicles to our country from other states.

The heads of Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency was ordered to arrange electronic register of coming and outgoing cargos as well as its automatic loading and offloading in Turkmenbashy International Seaport.

The necessity of strengthening of cooperation in training and improvement of qualification of specialists, expansion of services of Turkmenbashy International Seaport for attraction of cargo transporters, increment of volumes of transit cargos has been noted. Orders for opening of new international routes have also been given.

It was mentioned that it is necessary to carry out work for receiving of necessary documents proving the recognition of the International Qualification Society Organization and to use the capabilities of Balkan Shipyard more efficiently.

Having highlighted the objectives of Türkmenhowaýollary Agency, the Head of the State pointed out that it is necessary to carry out relevant work for joining of International Air Transport Association (IATA) and to continue training of qualified specialists.

Using latest achievements of science and technologies, to implement digital technologies to activity of the Agency. It is necessary to develop an infrastructure of airports, to improve their equipment and facility base, to open new international flights.

The President of Turkmenistan has also ordered to pay special attention to development of the system of air navigation, improvement of quality of passenger service, improvement of transit cargo traffic.

Finishing the session, the Head of the State wished success in solution of set objectives to all participants.