Ï Lebap Velayat fulfil contractual obligations for rice production

Lebap Velayat fulfil contractual obligations for rice production

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Rice producers of Lebap Velayat successfully fulfilled state order for rice production, having delivered 48,000 tons of agricultural crop to the state.

This year, rice fields in the Amudarya Valley occupied more than 10,000 hectares on the fields released after collection of winter crop. Success of rice producers was provided by integrated state support and increment of procurement prices.

Rice producers of Charjew etrap have made significant contribution to labour victory, having delivered around 10,000 tons of grain and significantly exceeded contractual obligations. Average productivity of each hectare of rice fields was 5,500 kg. Farmers of Kerky etrap has also reached high result in rice production.

Efficient use of modern harvesters from the famous world manufacturers profile equipment allowed collecting rice without losses and on time.