Ï Collections of historical artefacts to be supplemented by discoveries of 2019 excavation season

Collections of historical artefacts to be supplemented by discoveries of 2019 excavation season

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At the session of the Government on November 22, Vice-premier Bahargul Abdiyeva informed the Head of the State about results of seasonal archaeologic excavations carried out at historical and cultural monuments of the country in 2019 and about handing over of discovered artefacts to museums.

Specialists of National department for protection, study and restoration of historical and cultural monuments, Institute of history and archaeology of the Academy of Sciences have discovered artefacts, which are studied at present time. The works for reconstruction of certain historical and architectural monuments, their further inclusion to tourist routes is continued.

Having demonstrated historical and cultural values that have big scientific significance discovered during the excavations on slides, the Vice-premier informed that they would be handed over to Ak Bugday National Museum in Ahal Velayat, historical museums of Lebap and Mary Velayats. The events on this occasion are planned to be carried out on the threshold of International Neutrality Day.

Results of archaeological studies as well as works of national restoration personnel will be presented at the conference “Importance of study of historical and cultural monuments along the Silk Road: Restoration and Preservation work and scientific analysis”. Publishing of book dedicated to these artefacts is also planned.