Ï Priorities of Turkmen – Bahraini partnership to be discussed by business circles of two countries

Priorities of Turkmen – Bahraini partnership to be discussed by business circles of two countries

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Turkmen – Bahraini business forum to be held in Manama on November 27. Representatives of the government structures and companies specialized in oil refining, chemical, textile and food industries, in production of industrial materials, ship building as well as in such directions as communication, tourism, trade, investment and banking sphere will take part in the meeting.

It is planned to introduce the main aspects of the strategy of economic development of Turkmenistan, large-scale projects in leading branches to Bahraini side during the forum. The agenda will include the subjects of expansion of interstate cooperation. Bilateral meetings and visits to facilities of industrial zone are planned.

Development of cooperation with the countries of the Middle East including with the Kingdom of Bahrain is one of the priority directions of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. Our countries are dynamically developed, have rich natural resources and favourable geographic location, which opens huge capabilities for expansion of beneficial partnership.