Ï Popularization of achievements of the country in diplomatic language

Popularization of achievements of the country in diplomatic language

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Popularization of achievements of the country in diplomatic language
The Embassy of Turkmenistan to the People’s Republic of China held number of events dedicated to the 28th anniversary of independence of our country. it included thematic meetings and presentation of the books of the Head of the State, exhibition of book production, visual, decorative and applied arts of Turkmen people.

Historical and cultural heritage and achievements of Turkmenistan in economic and social sphere for the years of independence have been widely presented during thematic week, meaning of programme reforms and course to innovative development initiated by the Head of the State as well as foreign strategy have been revealed.

Importance of international initiatives of Turkmen leader, which cover wide spectrum of subjects of global agenda, has been highlighted.

Celebration concert, which was held in Beijing Complex of diplomatic missions, was a bright final chord of the events. Art masters of our country as well as art collectives of students studying in universities of Beijing introduced rich palette of Turkmen musical traditions.

In his greeting speech, Ambassador Parahat Durdiyev highlighted the main vectors of home and foreign policy of the country as well as priority of the strategy of social and economic development and role of Turkmenistan in integration processes on regional and global levels.

The video giving visual impression about trade and economic, transport and logistic, investment and tourism potential of Turkmenistan has been demonstrated to the participants.

Concert programme has been finalized with an original Kushtdepdy dance.