Ï Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages

Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages

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Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Characters of Turkmen Epic on Stage: A Message Carried Through the Ages
Staged by the Main Drama Theater of Turkmenistan, a production of ‘Domrul’ based on the epic ‘Gorkut Ata’ was a grand finale to the Ashgabat Theater Festival.

With its powerful emotional impact, the stage work boasts eloquent visual images and the harmony of the composition. A centerpiece of the stage designs is a yurt embellished with wool threads reminiscent of warp yarns for a carpet. It seems as if a carpet maker is going to tell an old legend taking a break from her work. The epic story with intricate plotlines begins to unfold on stage to the accompaniment of a dutar.

People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Kakajan Ashirov, a script writer and director of ‘Domrul’, who is known for his large-scale and dynamic theatrical performances, is able to breathe life into every piece of scenography. Even the authentic yurt’s exterior design is charged with emotions. The stage sets are exquisitely beautiful visual elements of the deeply philosophical narrative. Allegories harmoniously coexist with light hilariously funny scenes full of Khoja Nasreddin-like humor.

... Domrul’s wife, Nyazli Chechek, appears on stage to greet guests. Undoubtedly, she is a central character of the production. The more we observe this beautiful woman, the more we admire her. For example, how easily she fools Domrul’s hard-to-please friends with a watermelon...

Her beauty, intelligence and ready wit could make her the principal character especially after we find out that she is the only one (among Domrul’s nearest and dearest), who is ready to sacrifice her life to save him. It would be a different interpretation of the story then...

The value of a human life is at the core of the stage play. This is exemplified by the main character: when Domrul meets the Angel of Death and he realizes that he is going to die, he reassesses his views of life and his attitude to people. He is noble enough not to accept his wife’s sacrifice. Domrul has genuinely repented for his wrongdoings, including for the bridge built for personal gain.

The cast of the dazzling production is a stroke of good fortune for the director. Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Enish Yazmuradov brilliantly played the part of reckless, broad-shouldered Domrul. His loud voice, quick movements and subtle grotesqueness enriched the charismatic character, which is able to perform daring deeds. Dilshat Melyaeva performed the role of his devoted wife, Nyazli Chechek.

The exquisite music, richly diverse sets, excellent acting and the organic whole of the narration make the theatrical work interesting and easy to understand for different generations.