Ï Draft State Budget 2020 to be reviewed by the Mejlis

Draft State Budget 2020 to be reviewed by the Mejlis

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The eighth session of the Mejlis of the sixth convocation to be held on November 30. Draft Law on the State Budget of Turkmenistan for 2020 will be brought out for review by deputies.

At the session of the Government on November 27, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made d decision on review of the draft State Budget 2020 at the coming session of National Parliament and highlighted that the main part of expenditures has to be used for financing of social sphere including education, health protection, culture, sports, municipal services.

Support of stable and high rates of economic growth by rapid development of branches and diversification of the economy, implementation of major industrial projects have the main objective, Turkmen leader said in this regard.

The agenda of the session of the Parliament also includes draft Resolution of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan on Fulfilment of the State Budget of Turkmenistan in 2018 and number of other bills.