Ï Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan to be connected by fibre optic line across Caspian Sea

Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan to be connected by fibre optic line across Caspian Sea

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Signing of the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on organization of support in joint construction, ownership and use of fibre optic line across Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan direction of communication operators of Turkmenistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan was one of important outputs of Türkmentel 2019 international forum.

This project will connect Turkmenbashy and Siazan and will consolidate the partnership in improvement of telecommunication transit routes between Asia and Europe. According to statistical data, Asian population exceeds 4 billion people while in Europe it is more than 990 million people. The necessity of exchange of information between the continents will lead to expansion of exchange of internet traffic in the volume from 200 – 400 Gb per second to 4 – 5 Tb per second.

As is known, Türkmentelekom Communication Company and AzerTelecom Ltd worked together on the project of construction of this line.

It is worth mentioning that opportunities of joint activity in communication sphere was reviewed at the meeting with the Minister of Interior and Communication of Japan Mr Masatoshi Ishida. In particular, the Japanese side expressed the willingness to support the construction of subsea fibre optic line between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan.

Presentation of latest technological developments took place at the forum. Number of proposals on realization of joint projects aimed at improvement of telecommunication systems have been presented.

Upon the completion of the forum, all participants received relative certificates.