Ï Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan: Dialog of interests and integration of potentials

Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan: Dialog of interests and integration of potentials

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Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan: Dialog of interests and integration of potentials
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has left on the working trip to the Republic of Uzbekistan for discussion of perspectives of Turkmen – Uzbek cooperation as well as for participation in the II Consultative meeting of the Heads of Central Asian States.

In Islam Karimov International Airport, which was decorated with the State Flags of the member states of the Summit, Turkmen leader was met by the offiicials of the Republic of Uzbekistan – Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov as well as members of the Government delegation of Turkmenistan.

Motorcade of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov went to the Kuksaroý State Residence where the meeting of the Heads of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan took place.

Upon arrival, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov was warmly greeted by Uzbek Leader Shavkat Mirziyoyev. Having exchanged friendly handshakes, the leaders of two country took photo on the background of the State flags.

After, Uzbek Leader invited the Head of Turkmenistan to enter the Hall of bilateral meetings where talks with participation of members of the Government delegations took place.

Cordially greeting President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that current meeting would give strong impulse to cooperation between our countries.

Having expressed gratitude to the Head of the Republic of Uzbekistan for warm welcome, hospitality and conditions for effective work, Turkmen leader noted that condition of bilateral relations and current international affairs would be discussed at current talks.

Wide spectrum of subjects related to current condition and perspectives of Turkmen- Uzbek partnership has been discussed during the talks. At the same time, fruitful character of activity of Joint Commission for trade and economic, scientific and technical cooperation, which last session was held in Ashgabat on November 23 this year, has been highlighted.

Sharing the visions on political collaboration, the sides confirmed mutual willingness to develop cooperation for achievement of firm and long-term peace, support of stability in Central Asia, establishment of mechanisms of prevention and non-admittance of conflict situations. In this regard, the importance of cooperation in such current issues as combating against terrorism, extremism, transboundary crime, illegal drug trafficking has been highlighted.

Provision of regional security, in particular, regulation of the situation in neighbouring Afghanistan, was one of the subjects of the talks. In this context, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted active position of Turkmenistan in the efforts for stabilization of situation in Afghanistan, in particular, the importance of initiatives of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on this issue, which received wide support of the world community.

Rapid restoration of social and economic infrastructure of Afghanistan, implementation of major projects aimed at inclusion of the country to regional world economic relations are vitally required today. Following this, Turkmenistan pays special importance to realization of big infrastructural projects with participation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, including energy, transport, communication project, the President highlighted.

All these projects are able to make positive effect on the situation in the neighbouring state, play actual role in restoration of the economy and social sphere, change to peaceful and creative life.

Intent of two countries to continue constructive cooperation on the platform of competent structures such as the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Islamic Cooperation Organization, to coordinate joint measures in international arena and to support each other has been confirmed.

Exchanging the opinions on strategic vectors of Turkmen – Uzbek partnership, it was noted that energy is one of priorities of such partnership. Gas line from Turkmenistan to China, which was put into operation in December 2009, part of which cross Uzbekistan, was named as an example of successful cooperation in this sphere. Construction of another gas line along Turkmenistan – Uzbekistan – Tajikistan – Kyrgyzstan – China route with output capacity of 25 billion cubic meters per year with on the agenda.

Transport sphere is among the main vectors of interstate cooperation. In this context, it was noted that efforts of our countries would be able and have to be aimed at achievement of the main target – the establishment of powerful and modern infrastructure, which could provide the unification of transport systems of Central Asia, Europe and Middle East.

In particular, willingness of Turkmenistan to joint work on transport route Uzbekistan – Turkmenistan – Caspian Sea – South Caucasus with entry to the seaports of Georgia, Turkey, Romania and other states has been highlighted.

Turkmen leader noted the importance of opening of motor and railway bridge across the Amudarya in March 2017. This event not only made positive effect of the course of bilateral trade and economic partnership but also became a part of the system of regional transport communication.

In the context of diversification of continental transport flows, Turkmenistan is willing to review the capabilities of railway connection along Central Asia – China routes with Uzbekistan, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that potential of cooperation in fuel, energy and transport spheres is required today as never else and not only on regional level but from economic development and trade across entire Asian continent point of view, where our region is to play an important role.

Continuing the subject, the intent of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, both as the countries that have taken course toward creation of powerful energy and transport infrastructure, to consolidate their efforts, to act in coordination with potential partners in the world and regional platforms, in specialized international organizations and financial institutes has been confirmed. In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov proposed to involve foreign and other profile departments of both countries more actively in this work.

It is necessary to note the initiative of Turkmen leader about the second UN Global Transport Conference in the context of transport issues, in which special attention has to be paid to the potential of Central Asia.

Speaking of water problems, the sides noted that review and solution of these problems have to be on the base of universal standards of international law, mutual respect and consideration of interests of all countries of the region with participation of specialized international organization. The countries have positive experience in solution of water management issues, established practice of regular meetings of profile specialists of two countries.

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan stand for improvement of activity of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea as well as plan to cooperate in implementation of the UN Convention on combating desertification.

Switching to the subject of bilateral cooperation, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that the Republic of Uzbekistan is our old and reliable economic partner.

We highly appreciate reached level of relations between our countries in different spheres, experience of cooperation in the government and department level, the President of Turkmenistan said.

Having noted the presence of big potential, which has to be fully implemented, the Head of Turkmenistan assured that existing volumes and dynamics of mutual trade are satisfactory.

Recently, its indicators has tendency of growth, the Head of the State highlighted, having focused on the fact that Joint Turkmen – Uzbek Commisson for trade and economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation has to develop specific proposals for diversification of mutual trade, increment of not only quantitative but also qualitative criteria.

The Agreement o economic cooperation in 2018 – 2020 and Agreement on supply of goods have been signed for further expansion of bilateral trade and economic relations, the Head of Turkmenistan said, having spoken of the necessity of clear and strict fulfilment of provisions of these documents.

Having highlighted that our countries established powerful industrial and agrarian base and also have transport infrastructure, the sides spoke for use of these factors for expansion of trade and attraction of investments.

In addition, there are opportunities for intensification of cooperation in agrarian sphere and between business communities of two countries, realization of joint projects in such spheres as agriculture, textile industry, heavy engineering, gas processing, construction of infrastructural facilities, motor and railway roads.

Opportunities of use of Caspian port infrastructure by Central Asian countries for increment of their export to European, Russian and Caucasian markets have been discussed at first Caspian Economic Forum in Turkmenistan last August. In this regard, Turkmen side has confirmed the willingness to review the proposals of Uzbek colleagues.

Cooperation in humanitarian sphere was an important subject of the agenda. Mutual intent to coordinate efforts for development of international tourism, to continue practice of Days of culture and cinema has been expressed.

The sides spoke for steadfast development of direct regional relations, establishment of beneficial partnership between entrepreneurs of border regions.

Having spoken for the necessity of giving strong impulse to interstate cooperation in scientific, technical and educational spheres, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan has proposal on establishment of joint scientific council, which would unite potential of scientists of two countries in fundamental and applied science.

The activity of this structure is to serve for effective exchange of practice in these spheres, to support studies in different perspective directions taking into account economic requirements of our states, - Turkmen leader said.

Having noted long-term character of cooperation, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed confidence that this visit, during which priorities of interstate dialog have been specified, outlined the targets of further joint work and would improve fraternal and friendly bilateral relations.

In the end of the talks, the leaders of two countries exchanged good wishes, having confirmed the willingness for activation of bilateral cooperation.

After, the meeting was continued in ono-on-one format.

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev highlighted that the visit of the Head of Turkmenistan is considered in Uzbekistan as another step to strengthening of bilateral relations.

Having expressed the gratitude to Uzbek colleague for invitation to visit Tashkent for participation in the second consultative meeting of the heads of Central Asian countries and hospitality, Turkmen leader confirmed invariable commitment of our country to the course of beneficial partnership with Uzbekistan.

Continuing the meeting, the sides highlighted that effectiveness of interstate dialog is provide by the similarity of interests and presence of huge potential for intensification of productive relations. At the same time, it was said that the sides pays great attention to expansion of trade and economic contacts. In this context, speaking of important role of Intergovernmental Turkmen _Uzbek Commission, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev spoke for further expansion of the partnership between business circles of two states.

The sides spoke for increment of volumes of trade and investments, implementation of joint projects in energy, communication, industrial spheres such as food, chemical, electro technical and light industries.

Cooperation in transport sphere was also a subject of discussion. Mutual interest in effective use of capabilities of communication systems, transport corridors running across both countries has been highlighted.

Having outlined agriculture, heavy engineering, gas processing, construction of infrastructural facilities among priority spheres of cooperation, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that it is necessary to enter joint projects in these spheres.

At the same time, the importance of activation of the partnership in cultural, scientific and educational spheres as well as sin sports has been noted.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged the views on number of current issues of regional and international policy.

Sharing the visions of the subjects of agenda of the Summit of the heads of Central Asian state, the Head of Turkmenistan expressed confidence that priority directions of cooperation in near and long-term perspective would be outlined, current vectors of regional partnership would be discussed.

In the end of the meeting, having expressed gratitude to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for personal input to development of bilateral relations, Turkmen leader wished strong health and success in the government activity to his Uzbek colleague and peace, progress and prosperity to fraternal nation of neighbouring state.

In his turn, having expressed gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for his personal input to development of interstate dialog, the Head of Uzbekistan addressed best wishes to Turkmen leader.

Upon the completion of Turkmen – Uzbek high-level talks in the Kuksaroý Palace, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov looked around the book exposition written by Turkmen leader and published in different languages including in Uzbek language.

Books of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Health – the Source of Happiness”, “Tea – Medicine and Inspiration”, “Culture – Priceless Treasure of the Nation” and “Living Legend” have been translated into Uzbek Language.

After, the leaders of two states went to the conference hall where the award ceremony of the title of Honoured Academic of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Turkmenistan to the President of Turkmenistan took place.

The participants was greeting Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev with great enthusiasm.

Uzbek officials, members of the government delegation of Turkmenistan, representatives f scientific circles of both countries, young Turkmen citizens studying in universities of neighbouring country were among numerous participants of the event. The Heads of friendly states took place in the presidium.

The master of ceremony warmly welcomed the leaders of the country on behalf of the participants.

Taking into account that the President of Turkmenistan is recognized scientists who has big authority in international scientific circles, author of number of encyclopaedic fundamental works dedicated to the development of modern health protection, pharmacology, economics, architecture and other fields as well as study of rich nature of Central Asia, the members of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan made a decision to award a title of the Honoured Academic of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

The floor was given to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev who speaking of the walk of life and large-scale government activity of the Head of Turkmenistan – Academic of the Academy of Science of Turkmenistan, Professor, Doctor of Medical and Economic Sciences, honoured Doctor and Professor of number of famous international scientific and educational centres, noted his outstanding merits in development of modern science and fruitful cooperation in this sphere.

Uzbekistan also pays big attention to restoration and development of national traditions and crafts, the Head of friendly country said, having confirmed the willingness to improve cooperation in the sphere of protection and enhancement of historical, cultural and spiritual heritage of the nations.

Famous works of the Head of Turkmenistan like “Culture – Priceless Treasure of the nation”, “Music of Peace – Music of Friendship and Brotherhood”, “ Bakhshys – Messengers of People’s Happiness” are very popular among specialists and wide reading audience.

Strategic partnership between our countries has entered new level, the leader of neighbouring country stated with delight and announced the decision of the presidium of the Academy of science on award of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov with title of Honoured Academic of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

This is a fact of great respect and recognition of outstanding merits of Turkmen leader in development of different branches of sciences and in strengthening of friendship and understanding between fraternal Uzbek and Turkmen peoples, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said, having congratulated high-ran guest with this honourable titles and addressed him with best wishes.

Relative Resolution was read out afterwards.

Under applauses of the participants of the ceremony, President of the Academy of Science of Uzbekistan Behzod Yuldashev put on the mantle of the honoured academic on President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and handed over the badge and relative diploma.

Girls in national dress presented bunches of flowers to the Head of Turkmen state.

The floor was given to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

Speaking to the participants, Turkmen leader expressed gratitude for award of the honoured title. “I accept it as a sign of respect of Turkmenistan, reconginition of achievements of our country in scientific and educational sphere and as an evidence of friendship and growing relations of the nations of our countries”, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Turkmen leader noted that goodwill cooperation between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan meets mutual interests and the goals of prosperity of the entire region.

Successfully implementing national programmes, we have achieved recognition of Turkmenistan as economically developed state that has its voice in the world system of relations and making important international initiatives on regional level and in the world community. Our status of permanent positive neutrality was recognized two times by the United Nations. Turkmenistan is confident that peace and trust are the base of strengthening and further development of modern architecture of international relations. By the initiative of Turkmenistan, the Resolution of the UN general Assembly declared 2021 as International Year of Peace and Trust, the President highlighted.

It was mentioned that support of the efforts of the world community in energy problems is one of the most important directions of diplomatic activity of Turkmenistan. Initiatives proposed by Turkmenistan for reliability and stability of energy supplies reveived wide support of the world community.

Transport is a priority direction of activity of our country in international environment including with Uzbekistan. Establishment of modern integrated, balanced and high technological transport infrastructure is an urgent time requirement and one of priority goals of the Sustainable Development Goals. Taking into account special features of cooperation in transport sphere for intercontinental state, Turkmenistan proposes to organize International Conference of Ministers of developing countries which have no access to sea, Turkmen leader said.

Speaking of the importance of consolidated approach to solution of global problems, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on the significance of wide dialog on the problems of the climate change, natural protection and use of water resources.

Water diplomacy provides active and interested cooperation with other states, first of all with neighbouring ones, for coordination of activities in water and energy spheres. In this regard Turkmenistan sees its target in achievement of regional consensus based on recognized standards of international law, mutual respect and taking into account of the interests of all states of the region with participation of international organizations, - the Head of the State highlighted.

The President continued that achievements in internal development is the main preposition of foreign success of the country. The growth of the GDP this year in on 6.3 percent level, we expect the same indicator, which is one of the highest in the world, in the next year. Investments are the main tools of diversification of national economy. Hundreds and thousands of production and social facilities including big plants, factories, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, settlements and residential estates have been built in the country for the last several years.

Fundamental reforms have been carried out for improvement of management of agricultural complex, its restructuration and rational use of water and land resources, natural protection, - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Construction of Afghan part of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line, Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan power and fibre optic lines is carried out.

Highlighting high level of Turkmen – Uzbek dialog, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted personal role of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev in strengthening of bilateral partnership and giving new stimuli to this.

Continuing the subject, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed gratitude for active support of the Uzbekistan to big regional and international projects initiated by Turkmenistan aimed at unification of transport systems of Asia and Europe, Middle and Far East.

Special work is paid to the partnership in humanitarian sphere. In this aspect, positive practice of cooperation in science and education, regular Days of Culture and art festivals has been noted.

Finishing the speech, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that Turkmenistan would observe the 25th anniversary of international recognition of neutral status. Number of big international events will be held on occasion of this remarkable date in Ashgabat. It includes International Conference for Peace, Security and Sustainable Development.

Taking an opportunity, Turkmen leader invited Uzbek friends and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev personally to take part in these events.

We would be glad to see our Uzbek partners in hospitable Turkmen land! - President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said and again expressed gratitude to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Board of the Academy of Sciences for award of honoured title.

Having said warm goodbye to the participants, Presidents Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Shavkat Mirziyoyev went to the Hiva House of the Kuksaroý State residence where they had dinner.

Working visit of Turkmen leader to the Republic of Uzbekistan is continued.


On the same day, the members of the Government delegation of Turkmenistan had bilateral meetings in profile ministries and departments of the Republic of Uzbekistan where interested exchange of opinions on opportunities of expansion of cooperation took place.