Ï Session of the Constitution Commission: On the way of democratic reforms

Session of the Constitution Commission: On the way of democratic reforms

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Regular session of the Constitution Commission for amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, which has been established by the decision of the People’s Council on September 25, 2019, took place in the Ruhiyet Palace of the capital.

Opening the session, the Head of the State noted that its main objectives is to analyse the work carried out by the legislative body of the country. It is necessary to make preliminary summarization of the information that came to the Commission from sites and to review the activity of the Commission for the past period. At the same time, it is necessary to develop the ways of the most effective solution of important issues related to definition of goals, objectives and coming work of two-chamber Parliament, the President highlighted.

Coordinated cooperation with all bodies of the government administration and public associations are the main term of productive work of the Constitutional Commission and improvement of the Main Law of the country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued. Following these objectives, the Mejlis was requested to establish relative Working Group for study and compilation of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

The Head of the State said that reports of the members of the Constitution Commission on the measures for fulfilment of taken decisions would be listened. The evaluation of control of proposals received from the citizens, government and public organization would also be given.

After, the President gave floor to Vice-speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, Chairman of the Working Group under the Constitutional Commission K. Babayev.

It was informed that Working Group for study and compilation of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan has been established by the decision of the Mejlis. Deputies of National Parliament, specialists of ministries and departments, law enforcement agencies, representatives public associations, Institute of State, Law and Democracy, Academy of Science of the country, professors and lecturers of universities participate in the activity of the Commission.

Relative proposals related to the initiative about change of the Mejlis to two-chamber system and various aspects of work organization in new format are thoroughly analysed, the world practice in this field, which includes the application of digital technologies, is studied.

At the same time, assignments of the President of Turkmenistan for further improvement of the Main Law and clear definition of authorities of National Parliament are used as a guidance for work.

Hyakim of Mary Velayat D. Annaberdiyev was speaking next and noted that large-scale work for social and economic development of the regions and systematic improvement of life level and quality of the nation is expanded in the country, grandiose change take place in all spheres.

It was highlighted that the initiative for improvement of the Constitution of Turkmenistan made by the Head of the State at regular session of the People’s Council received wide national support. Steadfast and effective implementation of constitutional reforms with active involvement of representative of science, government administration authorities, public organizations, youth and public in general support the improvement of legal bases on Turkmen state.

In this regard, it was noted that proper work for explanation of the meaning and importance of constitutional reforms to the population, study and compilation of coming proposals is carried out

For this purpose, special group, which includes responsible personnel of administration of the region, the Mejlis deputies, members of velayat, city and etrap People’s Councils, representatives of political parties and public organizations, different branches of national economy, educational sphere and honoured elders, has been established in the velayat.at present time propaganda and explanatory sessions, which include “question – answer” discussions and review of proposals, are organized with participation of the members of this group.

The floor was given to Chairman of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan A. Serdarov. It was mentioned that active work for explanation of the meaning and importance of political and legal reform, which was announced by the Head of the State at the second session of the People’s Council, is carried out these days.

It was highlighted that Turkmenistan citizens show keen interest in the reform for improvement of the legal status of the People’s Council, change of the Parliament to two-chamber system and amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan, which were initiated by the Head of the State. The world practice in this direction is also studied.

In this regard, relative proposals, which are reviewed and summed up and later sent to the Working Group of the Mejlis, are highlighted in mass media during organized events.

In the end of his speech, the Chairman of the Democratic Party of Turkmenistan assured that the Party and other public organizations of the country would take all necessary measures for solution of set objectives.

After, Minister of Justice B. Muhammedov made a speech. It was informed that at present time, the Ministry of Justice continue working on development of relative proposals based on the study of universal standards of international law, national and word practice in the government administration and on presenting of the proposals to the working Group under the Mejlis of Turkmenistan for review.

The Ministry organizes meetings in organizations, enterprises, facilities, high educational institutes, among military personnel for explanation of importance of legal reforms as well as for regular update of the citizens about the activity in this direction. Special attention is paid to the significance of constitutional changes at the meetings.

The Minister of Justice noted that TV shows, ‘round table’ discussions dedicated to this subject have been organized on TV channels and other mass media for the past period.

The rapporteur assured that the Ministry would do necessary work for steadfast realization of the legal reforms and successful solution of set objectives in the country.

After, the floor was given to the Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova who made special mention of the currency of initiatives of the Head of the State made during regular session of the People’s Council in the context of realization of large-scale changes aimed at steadfast development of Turkmenistan.

The Head of the Parliament noted that the initiatives for further promotion of progressive reforms in legal sphere, for improvement of the Constitution, foundation of two-chamber legislation authority received wide response among the public.

It was highlighted that specific objective have been given in this direction to the Mejlis, Cabinet of Ministers, relative ministries and departments, military and law enforcement agencies, public organizations at the first session of the Constitutional Commission, which was held chaired by the Head of the State on October 4.

Following this, the Working Group for study and compilation of proposals on amendments and addendums of the Main Law of the country has been established under the Constitutional Commission of Turkmenistan as well as work plan for the above-mentioned commission has been approved.

Various specialists, scientists and expert group, who are actively analyse all coming proposals, including those related to determination of responsibilities and authorities of each chamber of new representative legislation body of the state power, participate actively in this work.

Special groups has been made for educational work, explanation of the meaning and importance of historical decisions made at the second session of the People’s Council, constitutional reforms and objectives in the country, which were outlined by the President of Turkmenistan in his informative speech at the national forum, the Speaker of the Parliament continued.

It was highlighted that amendments and addendums, which are planned to be introduced to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, would be an important step on the way of strengthening of the institutes of civic society, improvement on national legislation and bringing of it to compliance with time requirements and international legal standards.

The Chairperson of the Mejlis assured the Head of the State that deputies would put all efforts and knowledge for successful promotion of large-scale programmes, social, economic and political reforms.

Summing up the information and addressing the participants of the session, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that all conditions are made in Turkmenistan for formation and steadfast development of modern democratic society. Great attention is paid to compliance and realization of political and social rights and freedoms of the citizens, temporal course of development in home and foreign policy according to the Constitution. These subjects have an important role in the programmes of the country’s development.

Movement of our society to the heights of economic and social progress brings objectives for modernization of activity in the sphere of the government administration, democratization, preparation and taking of important decisions to the agenda.

In this context, the utmost attention is paid to the wide participation of the public in this work, the Head of the State highlighted. It has to be reflected in the intent to improve constitutional foundations of activity of National Parliament, to making true democratic authority of people power out of it.

The President continued that it is seen from today’s speeches that we can speak about the promptness of the initiative about modernization of the Constitution of Turkmenistan. Proposals for improvement of reforms in all spheres of life, democratization as well as the activity, which is to guarantee the provision of high life level of the nation, received wide public response and support in the country.

Taking into account the formation of new structure of legislation body and organization of its work, the Mejlis together with the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, law enforcement agencies, relative ministries and departments as well as with political parties, public organizations, government administration authorities and citizens of the country take all necessary measures for definition of the vectors of modernization of the Main Law of Turkmenistan.

Interest of wide public participating in the meetings, proposals for amendment and addendum of the Constitution indicate the support given by Turkmen citizens to change of the legislation body of the country to new two-chamber system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted.

The proposals are discussed at the sessions of the Working Group, which includes scientists, representatives of relative ministries and departments, public organizations, workers and specialists. The President states that fruitful work for selection of the best proposals for amendments and addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan is carried out.

It was highlighted that study of the changes in the world and practice of the government arrangements of many countries, harmonization of amendments and addendums of the Main Law with centuries-old democratic principles of Turkmen people are the main objectives of the Constitutional Commission.

In this context, the Head of the state noted the necessity of using of the potential of inter-parliamentary friendship groups under the Mejlis for development of practice in organization of work of two-chamber legislation bodies in the world.

The President outlined the creation of favourable legal field for service of these bodies to people among important objectives together with clear definition of the role and authorities of each chamber of national Parliament in the structure of the government power and taking into account modern realities.

At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the complex of subjects related to the formation of composition of new authority, its activity, frequency of the sessions and office periods. Proposals received from organizations, public associations and citizens have to be used as the main target in this work.

Professional and knowledge level, working capacity, in other words ability of deputies to implement their authorities effectively, have to be taken into account during establishment of each chamber of new parliament.

Amendments and addendums of the Constitution have to be aimed at provision of wealth and equal rights of all members of the society, achievement of triumph of humanistic principles providing realization of all aspects of social justice, the Head of the State highlighted.

It is necessary t continue wide explanatory work among workers, students, scientists for popularization and explanation of the meaning and importance of historical measures for improvement of the Constitution. The proposals have to be discussed in labour collectives and at the residential places of the population, Turkmen leader said.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to organize meetings among the population with participation of the Mejlis deputies, representatives of political parties, public organizations and profile specialists, thematic programmes on TV and radio, in other words, to continue activity for explanation of the importance and significance of work for bringing of the Main Law in compliance with time requirements to the nation.

Reformation of legislation body of the country will allow National Parliament presenting the interests of all levels of Turkmen society, the Head of the state noted. It will help solving urgent issues of the present time, improving the process of development and adoption of laws, will make conditions for establishment of closer cooperation between electorate and deputies. It will give opportunity to implement control of compliance with law and fulfilment of national programmes efficiently.

In its turn, it will provide proper conditions to bring law-making activity of National Parliament to new level. Thus, it will turn into true national representative legislation body having wide range of responsibilities and authorities, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov stated, having expressed confidence that successful continuation of this work would make guarantees for dynamic social and economic development of the country.

Amendment and addendum of the Constitution due to the change of national Parliament to new two-chamber system will be an important event in social and political life of our state, Turkmen leader said.

In this regard, the Head of the State expressed firm confidence that introduction of new articles to the Constitution of the country as well as amendments and addendums would be significant contribution to achievement of big successes on the way of improvement of the foundations of legal and temporal state.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed that next session of the Constitutional Commission is planned in February next year. It is planned to review draft articles introduced to the Constitution, which will be published for national discussion, at the session.

Summing up what was said above, the Head of the State expressed confidence that new Constitution would be adopted at the next session of the People’s Council. Finishing the session of the Constitutional Commission, the President of Turkmenistan wished success in work to all participants.