Ï The President of Turkmenistan outlines main directions of work of the supreme Control Chamber

The President of Turkmenistan outlines main directions of work of the supreme Control Chamber

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President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of Chairman of the Supreme Control Chamber G. Mushshikov. Condition of national economy as well as financial situation of certain ministries and department have been discussed at the meeting.

Coming over the review of the subjects of the agenda, the Head of the State noted that today, stable development and high rates in all spheres of national economy including social sphere are kept, reforms in different directions are successfully implemented, which is indicated by macroeconomic indicators.

The Head of the Supreme Control Chamber reported on the result of analysis of the country’s economy condition, which was made by the order of the President of Turkmenistan, activity of financial departments of some ministries and departments.

Summing up the report, the Head of the State noted that industrialization in the country makes positive effect on competiveness of Turkmen economy, growth of foreign trade operation as well as on protection of export indicators on the level of previous years.

The Head of the State continued that programmes implemented into life, which provides increment of volumes of import substitutive goods and deliver production to foreign countries support the diversification of branches, which are not related to hydrocarbon resources. Policy of wide crediting and reduction of inappropriate expenses is among other important factors.

The President of Turkmenistan made special mention of the importance of implemented economic strategic, which is oriented to attraction of direct investments. It allows creating additional production demand in internal market, by thus supporting stabilization financial and economic situation.

Continuing the session, the importance of activation of the process of transfer to digital economy for provision of long-term stable development of the country has been highlighted. In this context, development of the concepts of modernization of the branches of national economy according to time requirements.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted the necessity of successful realization of the programmes aimed at turning of the country t industrial development of the state, formation of modern electronic industry and opening of new working places.

The Head of the State called active attraction of investments, taking of specific measures for expansion of export potential in the most profitable section and optimization of structure of the import as priority vectors of coming work.

It was highlighted that provision of coordinated activity of the department with relative organizations are topical objectives of the Supreme Control Chamber.

The work in the sphere is aimed at protection of economic interests of the country, the Head of the state continued, having noted that personnel of the Supreme Control Chamber has to approach their functional authorities with full responsibilities.

Development of monetary and crediting system, process of automation are related with latest technical aids and advanced technologies for promotion of banking production in the markets in modern conditions.

During working session, the information about the measures, outlined in the Programmes for improvement of the sphere of working occupancies and opening of new work places in Turkmenistan in 2015 – 2020 as well as practical measures for compliance with working legislation, provision of the state control in this sphere, has been presented.

It was highlighted that creation of necessary guarantees for realization of constitutional rights of citizens for labour, choose of profession, occupancy and place of work, development of social partnership between the side of working relations are the goals of measures implemented in this direction.

Having focused on the priority of this subject, the Head of the State noted the requirements of information received in the result of analysis made by the Supreme Control Chamber. In this regard, Head of this organization G. Mushshikov was ordered to continue relative work and report on its result at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to the outcomes of 2019.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed confidence that successful fulfilment of outlined objectives would support the improvement of efficiency of activity of not only facilities of financial and economic system but entire national economy and dynamic growth of national economy.