Ï Remarkable events of 2018 in publications of social and political publication

Remarkable events of 2018 in publications of social and political publication

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The 12th volume of collection “To New Heights of Progress”, which includes programme speeches, interviews and messages of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in 2018, has been published. The book, published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages, was prepared for printing by the Archive Fund of the President of Turkmenistan of the General Archive Department under the Cabinet of Ministers.

The publication starts with wide foreword. The article describes the last year, which was held under slogan “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road”, as successful in the aspect of realization of the government programmes in economic, social spheres as well as in implementation of constructive foreign policy strategy.

Hugh dynamics of the country’s development, social, political and civic activity indicates a confident entry of the country to the rank of prosperous stats of the world, an improvement of wealth of Turkmen people.

This is visually indicated by new plants, petrochemical complexes, textile factories, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, residential houses built in the capital and all regions, thousands kilometres of new roads, railways and pipelines, millions tons of local competitive production, billion investments sent for the biggest projects of the century.

The last year was full of significant event in international arena, which supported to higher growth of the authority and political weight of the country in the world community. Active participation of Turkmenistan in regional and global affairs improved its role in economic and geopolitical processes.

All of these was supported by constructive initiative made by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, at the Summit of the Heads of Caspian States in Aktau and at the Summit of the Heads of the states, founders of International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea (IFAS).

Chairing of our country in the IFAS and in Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation Programme in 2018 gave new dynamics and international expansion to their activity. This is indicated by the fact of adoption of the UN General Assembly Resolution on Cooperation between the United Nations Organization and International Fund for Saving of Aral Sea, which was initiated by Turkmen side.

First session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan was another important historical event. The decisions made at the forum defined the main vectors of social and economic development of the country based on intensification of market reforms, rational use of natural resources, enhancement of intellectual and spiritual potential of the society.

Measures for structural change and diversification of national economy, successful realization of the government programmes of import substitution and increment of export production are among achievements of Turkmenistan.

Fuel and energy sector has entered new level. Special attention has been paid to modernization of profile facilities, opening of high technology scientific based facilities for production of petrochemical goods together with increment of hydrocarbon production and formation of multi-optional system of their export.

All of these provided change of the economy, reduction of its dependence form import and fluctuation of the global market situation. Innovative production facilities, which have been put into operation with participation of the President, such as petrochemical complexes in Garabogaz and Kiyanly, provide the place not only in the global market of raw energy resources but also in the most advantageous market of petrochemicals with high added value.

Integration to international transport system support the growth of export capabilities of the country. Integrated measures for development of relative ramified infrastructure support to the strengthening of positions of Turkmenistan as strategic transport and transit hub in the centre of the Silk Road, which is being restored in modern format.

New Turkmenbashy International Seaport, Turkmenabat International Airport, Serhetabat – Turgundy railway have become important links of regional and intercontinental transport corridors, which support the formation of new configuration of Eurasian cargo traffic.

Measures taken together with our partners for implementation of five-side agreement on opening of international transport corridor Afghanistan – Turkmenistan – Azerbaijan – Georgia – Turkey (Lapis Lazuli) are visual example of activity of our country in this direction.

Publication of works of Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping Sanctuary”, “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” (second volume), “Turkmenistan on the way of achievement the Sustainable Development Goals”, “medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan” (11th volume) were remarkable events of 2018.

Presentation of book of the Head of the State “Turkmenistan on the way of achievement the Sustainable Development Goals” at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly give opportunity to the world community to learn the achievements of the country in fulfilment of 2030 Global Agenda and perspectives of development of the country according to 17goals adapted on national level.

Search of the ways of peace, stability and security is a priority direction of foreign policy of Turkmenistan. For this purpose, our country makes real contribution to realization of universal doctrine of humanity and sustainable development, having chosen the model, which was called a positive neutrality.

The concept of integrity of all components of security outlined by the Head of Turkmenistan as priority in foreign activity plays certain role in solution of current and future social and economic objectives, supports further growth of wealth of the state and improvement of life level of the population.

Analysing the promotion of the idea of gender equality in the country, the President speaks that provision of rights and interests of women, support of family and maternity are important indicators of progress level of society. The Constitution of Turkmenistan is reliable guarantee of successful realization of the policy in this field.

It supports to expansion of opportunities for women to participate in political, social and economic life of the country, confirms the commitment of our state to the world standards in achievement of gender equality, which is one of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Issues of social development, the sphere to which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov pays special attention, were widely highlighted in the collection. Following the main principle “State for Human Being!”, steadfast work, which is aimed at provision of interests of people and their requirements, prosperous life in all aspect, is carried out.

2018 was marked with other bright memorable events. It includes the election of the deputies of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, members of velayat, etrap and city People’s Councils and gengeshys, opening of numerous social, cultural, production, transport and communication facilities, events on occasion of the World Bicycle Day with participation of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, mass cycling race, International Rally Raid Amul – Hazar 2018, World Weightlifting Championship.

Potential of agrarian sphere is successfully enhanced. Big work has been carried out for restoration of historical monuments of the Silk Road. The publication also includes the materials about important events in cultural, scientific, educational, health protection, sport spheres, which were held in the capital and regions of the country in the format of cultural actions, international conferences, forums, exhibitions, contests and competitions.

Publication of the book, which was supplemented with illustrations, presents big interest for wide reading auditorium.